Contesting Religious Identities

Transformations, Disseminations and Mediations


Religion is a hot topic on the public stages of ‘secular’ societies, not in its individualized liberal or orthodox form, but rather as a public statement, challenging the divide between the secular neutral space and the religious. In this new challenging modus, religion raises questions about identity, power, rationality, subjectivity, law and safety, but above all: religion questions, contests and even blurs the borders between the public and the private. These phenomena urge to rethink what are often considered to be clear differences between religions, between the public and the private and between the religious and the secular. In this volume scholars from a range of different disciplines map the different aspects of the dynamics of changing, contesting and contested religious identities.

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Pages: 297–301
"The contributors offer fresh perspectives on the place of religion in modern, secular societies. (...) Professionals, undergraduate and post-graduate students interested in discourses of religion in contemporary societies would benefit from the book."

Sung H. Bauta, Asbury Theological Seminary, Mission Studies 34 (2017)

Contesting Religious Identities: An Introduction
Anne-Marie Korte & Lucien van Liere

Part 1: Territories and Diasporas

Interpreting ‘Movement’ within Religious Studies: An Introduction to ‘Territories and Diasporas’
Lucien van Liere

Home of the Mother, Exile of the Father: Gender and Space in the Construction of Biblical Identity
Claudia V. Camp

Western Christianity as Part of Postcolonial World Christianity: The ‘Body of Christ with AIDS’ as an Interstitial Space
Adriaan van Klinken

Religion, Media, and the Global
Patrick Eisenlohr

Beyond Blind Faith: Religious Identities under the Conditions of Late Capitalism
Joerg Rieger

Part 2: Media and Texts

Broken Texts and Distorted Images: An Introduction to ‘Media & Texts’
Bob Becking

Psychoapocalypse: Desiring the Ends of the World
Tina Pippin

Dangerous Enthusiasm: An Aspect of the Clash between Cartesianism and Orthodoxy at Utrecht University
Henk van den Belt

Islam Controversies and Humour: Responses to Comedic Vlogs on the YouTube Battlefield
Fadi Hirzalla, Liesbet van Zoonen & Floris Müller

Fulla, the Cover-up Girl. Identity Politics via a Doll?
Martha Frederiks

Resilience Beyond Mimesis, Humanism, Autonomy, and Exemplary Persons
Joachim Duyndam

Part 3: Bodies and Rituals

Embodied Faith as Bone of Contention: Introduction to ‘Bodies and Rituals’
Anne-Marie Korte

Contesting Islam: The Making and Unmaking of Religious Faith
Nilüfer Göle

Martyrdom as a Contested Practice in Rabbinic Judaism
Eric Ottenheijm

Conservative Evangelical Listening Practices and the Embodiment of Faith
Anna Strhan

A Material History of Catholic Precarity in Amsterdam
Markha Valenta

Part 4: Epilogue

At the Threshold: A Panorama for Future Research and Challenges to Religious Studies
Lucien van Liere

Professionals, undergraduate and post-graduate students interested in discourses of religion in contemporary societies
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