Contemporary Influences of C. G. Jung's Thought


The book is a volume of the collected works of sixteen different authors. They reflect the contemporary meaning of C. G. Jung’s theory on many fields of scientific activity and in a different cultural context: Japanese, South American and North American, as well as European: English, Italian and Polish. The authors consider a specific milieu of Jung’s theory and his influence or possible dialogue with contemporary ideas and scientific activity. A major task of the book will be to outline the contemporary—direct or indirect—usefulness and applicability of Jung's ideas at the beginning of the twenty-first century while simultaneously making a critical review of this theory.

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Ilona Błocian is an assistant professor in the Faculty of Philosophy in University of Wroclaw (Poland), in the department of Philosophical Anthropology. She is the author of the article "Psychoanalytical Interpretations of Myth" (2014). Andrew Kuzmicki, Ph.D., is editor of the Polish Online Journal of Analytical Psychology and a psychotherapist. He is the author of “The Symbolism of the Self in the Theory of C.G.Jung” (2008), “Psychology and Philosophy of C.G.Jung” (2013), and “Individuation - Literature - Culture” (2013).
List of Figures and Tables
List of Contributors

Ilona Błocian and Andrew Kuzmicki>

1 Jung in the Academy and Beyond: The Fordham Lectures – 100 Years Later
Joseph Cambray>

2 Aspects of Descartes’ and Pascal’s Diverging Psychological Standingas Regards Knowledge That Find Expression in the Differences of the Freudian and Jungian Methodological Approaches to Psychology
Miriam Gomes de Freitas>

3 On Problem Solving – C.G. Jung’s and M. Heidegger’s Perspectives
Maria Kostyszak>

4 Is a Jungian Analysis Scientific?
Robert Segal>

5 Collective Memory and Common Imagination – Archetypes in the Perspective of the Theory of Sign
Anna Olejarczyk>

6 The Idea of Culture Image Confronted with Psychoanalytic Tradition
Ewa Kwiatkowska>

7 Is the Jungian Concept of “Image” Still Relevant in a Modern Psychoanalytic Perspective?
Alessandra De Coro>

8 Jung and Social Thought: The Undiscovered Self
Ilona Błocian>

9 In a Secular Age: Weber, Taylor, Jung
Roderick Main>

10 Non-fixed Multiple Perspectives in the Japanese Psyche: Traditional Japanese Art, Dream and Myth
Megumi Yama>

11 Subject Drop and the Japanese Ego
Norifumi Kishimoto>

12 Developing Jung’s Theory of Mind in the Light of Evolutionary Psychology
Andrew Kuzmicki>

13 The Contributions of C.G. Jung and Eugen Bleuler to Psychiatry: Schizophrenia Then and Now
Michael Escamilla>

14 A Discourse on the Textual-Psychoidal Duality in the Novel “A Thorn and A Laurel” [“Cierń i laur”] by Wladyslaw Lech Terlecki
Zbigniew Bitka>

15 Evidence for the Effectiveness of Jungian Psychotherapy: A Review of Empirical Studies
Christian Roesler>

16 How Can We Objectify a Study on Analytical Psychology?
Jolanta Kowal>
The book is addressed to scholars, students and people interested in relation between Jung’s theory and contemporary science, to psychologists, psychiatrists, philosophers, sociologists, researchers in religious or literature studies.
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