Volume 18 in the series Yearbook of the Research Centre for German and Austrian Exile Studies is entitled
Exile and Gender II: Politics, Education and the Arts. It is edited by Charmian Brinson, Jana Barbora Buresova and Andrea Hammel, and is intended as a companion volume to Volume 17, which focused on literature and the press. This new volume considers the life and work of exiled women politicians, academics and artists, among others, examining the ways – both positive and negative - in which their exile affected them. The sixteen contributions, which are in English or German, set out to throw new light on aspects of gendered relations and experiences of women in exile in Great Britain and Ireland.
Contributors are: Jana Barbora Buresova, Rachel Dickson, Inge Hansen-Schaberg, Gisela Holfter, Hadwig Kraeutler, Ulrike Krippner, Dieter Krohn, Gertrud Lenz, Bea Lewkowicz, Sarah MacDougall, John March, Iris Meder, Irene Messenger, Merilyn Moos, Felicitas M. Starr-Egger, Jennifer Taylor, Gaby Weiner.
Charmian Brinson, PhD King’s College London, is Emeritus Professor of German at Imperial College London and founder member of the Research Centre for German and Austrian Exile Studies. She has published numerous publications on German Exile Studies, in particular political exile and women in exile.
Jana Barbora Buresova, PhD London, is a committee member of the Research Centre for German and Austrian Exile Studies. Her research and publications focus, in particular, on Czechoslovak women refugees in Britain.
Andrea Hammel, DPhil Sussex University, is Reader in German at Aberystwyth University. Her publications include books and articles on the literature and history of German-speaking refugees from National Socialism, especially the Kindertransport.
List of Illustrations
List of Contributors
Charmian Brinson, Jana Barbora Buresova and Andrea Hammel
1. The Society for the Furtherance of the Critical Philosophy (SFCP): A Foundation of German Female Refugees and their British Comrades in 1940
Dieter Krohn
2. Gertrud Meyer (1914-2002). Ein politisches Leben im Schatten Willy Brandts
Gertrud Lenz
3. Layers of Concealment: Post-War Cultures of Surveillance and Secrecy in the Lives of Jewish Refugees, as Exemplified by the Case of Steffi Dinger
Gaby Weiner
4. “A heart in transit”: The Unusual Life of Lotte Moos
Merilyn Moos
5. Hana Benešová: The Forgotten First Lady
Jana Barbora Buresova
6. Marriages of Convenience as a Strategy to Escape to the UK
Irene Messinger
7. Women Refugee Academics at the University of London
Felicitas M. Starr-Egger
8. Reformpädagoginnen im englischen Exil
Inge Hansen-Schaberg
9. Women Exile Photographers
John March
10. Charlotte Bondy ‒ a Graphic Designer in Exile
Jennifer Taylor
11. Elisabeth Tomalin ‒ Emigrée Designer 1912-2012: “The only joy in life is being creative. Everything else is more or less pain”
Rachel Dickson
12. “‘Meine Heimat’ is in my heart and my head”: Women artists in exile: Susan Einzig (1922-2009) and Eva Frankfurther (1930-1959)
Sarah MacDougall
13. Female Fate or: Alma Wittlin’s Quest for Democracy
Hadwig Kraeutler
14. Women Gardeners and Garden Architects from Vienna, in Austria and in Exile
Ulrike Krippner and Iris Meder
15. Marginalised Voices ‒ Women in Irish Exile
Gisela Holfter
16. Does Gender Matter? Reflections on the Role of Gender in Women’s Oral History Narratives
Bea Lewkowicz
All interested in German Studies, German and Austrian Exile Studies, 20th Century History, Politics, Education, Art and Design (specialists, postgraduates but also the educated general public).