Developing Perspectives in Mamluk History

Essays in Honor of Amalia Levanoni


The present volume contains seventeen essays on the Mamluk Sultanate, an Islamic Empire of slaves whose capital was in Cairo between the 13th and the 16th centuries, written by leading historians of this period. It discusses topics as varied as social and cultural issues, women in Mamluk society, literary and poetical genres, the politics of material culture, and regional and local politics. The volume presents state of the art scholarship in the field of Mamluk studies as well as an in-depth review of recent developments. Mamluk studies have expanded considerably in recent years and today interests hundreds of active researchers worldwide who write in numerous languages and constitute a vivid and strong community of researchers, some of whose best research is presented in this volume.

With contributions by Reuven Amitai; Frédéric Bauden; Yuval Ben-Bassat; Joseph Drory; Élise Franssen; Yehoshua Frenkel; Li Guo; Daisuke Igarashi; Yaacov Lev; Bernadette Martel-Thoumian; Carl Petry; Warren Schultz; Boaz Shoshan; Hana Taragan; Bethany J. Walker; Michael Winter; Koby Yosef; Limor Yungman.

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Preliminary Material
Editor(s): Yuval Ben-Bassat
Pages: i–xxvii
Already Rich? Yet ‘Greed Deranged Him’
Elite Status and Criminal Complicity in the Mamluk Sultanate
Pages: 1–15
Medieval Middle Eastern Court Taste
The Mamluk Case
Pages: 76–96
Du sang et des larmes
Le destin tragique d’Aṣalbāy al-Jarkasiyya (m. en 915/1509)
Pages: 97–114
Slave Girls and Learned Teachers
Women in Mamluk Sources
Pages: 158–176
Songs, Poetry, and Storytelling
Ibn Taghrī Birdī on the Yalbughā Affair
By: Li Guo
Pages: 187–200
Mamluk Patronage, Crusader Spolia
Turbat al-Kubakiyya in the Mamilla Cemetery, Jerusalem (688/1289)
Pages: 269–286
The Struggle over Water
Evaluating the ‘Water Culture’ of Syrian Peasants under Mamluk Rule
Pages: 287–310
What was there in a Mamluk Amīr’s Library?
Evidence from a Fifteenth-Century Manuscript
Pages: 311–332
Favored by the Sultan, Disfavored by his Son
Some Glimpses into the Career of Ṭashtamur Ḥummuṣ Akhḍar
Pages: 352–364
Editor(s): Yuval Ben-Bassat
Pages: 365–402
Editor(s): Yuval Ben-Bassat
Pages: 403–414
Yuval Ben-Bassat, Ph.D. (2007), University of Chicago, is senior lecturer at the Department of Middle Eastern History, University of Haifa. He has published extensively on Greater Syria during the late Ottoman period, including Petitioning the Sultan: Protests and Justice in Late Ottoman Palestine (Tauris 2013).
"In my view this volume offers a nice entry point into the field of Mamlūk history. It offers a taster of the range of perspectives that have and are being taken by scholars in the field, as well as a fine introduction to a number of its historical sources." - Daisy Livingston, in: Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes 109 (2019)

"... this collection of articles is highly recommended for anyone interested in the Mamlūks. With its combination of articles by both well-established scholars as well as relative newcomers to the discipline, it provides an excellent, remarkably rich and multifaceted cross section of the state of the art in the burgeoning field of Mamlūk history." - Laurenz Kern, Freie Universität Berlin, in: Die Welt Des Islams 59 (2019)

"... the volume constitutes an important read for scholars and students of the Mamluk Period as well as of the respective fields of inquiry beyond that field. This is also true for further subjects such as numismatics, manuscript studies, institutional history, or food studies." - Torsten Wollina, Orient-Institut Beirut, in: Journal of the History and Culture of the Middle East 95/2 (2018)

"In their remarkable variety, these seventeen papers nicely illustrate the different terrains of scholarship on which Amalia Levanoni has been operating since the 1980s. Whereas some of them continue to situate themselves comfortably in longstanding research traditions and paradigms, quite a few simultaneously demonstrate the expanding range of research perspectives - including social theory, literary criticism, codicology, anthropology and archaeology - that have started to transform Mamluk studies into an interdisciplinary field by default. Beyond the individual value of quite a few of the papers in this volume, the latter general observation certainly also adds to the importance of this volume as a whole." - Jo Van Steenbergen, University of Gent, in: English Historical Review 134/569 (2019)
A Note on Transliteration

List of Pictures and Illustrations


Professor Amalia Levanoni’s Contribution to the Field of Mamluk Studies

Michael Winter

Yuval Ben-Bassat

A. Social and Cultural Issues

1. Carl Petry

“Already Rich? Yet ‘Greed Deranged Him’: Elite Status and Criminal Complicity in the
Mamluk Sultanate”

2. Koby Yosef

“Usages of Kinship Terminology during the Mamluk Sultanate and the Notion of the ‘Mamlūk Family’”

3. Limor Yungman

“Medieval Middle Eastern Court Taste: The Mamluk Case”

4. Bernadette Martel-Thoumian


5. Daisuke Igarashi

“The Office of the Ustādār al-ʿĀliya in the Circassian Mamluk Era”

B. Women in Mamluk Society

6. Yaakov Lev

“Women in the Urban Space of Medieval Muslim Cities”

7. Yehoshua Frenkel

“Slave Girls and Learned Teachers: Women in Mamluk Sources”

8. Boaz Shoshan
“On Marriage in Damascus, 1480-1500”
C. Literary and Poetical Genres

9. Li Guo
“Songs, Poetry, and Storytelling: Ibn Taghrībirdī on the Yalbughā Affair”

10. Frédéric Bauden
“Maqriziana XIII: An Exchange of Correspondence Between al-Maqrīzī and al-Qalqashandī”

11. Michael Winter

“Sultan Selīm’s Obsession with Mamluk Egypt according to Evliyā Ҁelebi’s Seyāḥatnāme”
D. The Politics of Material Culture

12. Warren Schultz

“Mamluk Coins, Mamluk Politics and the Limits of the Numismatic Evidence”
13. Hana Taragan
“Mamluk Patronage, Crusader Spolia: Turbat al-Kubakiyya in the Mamilla Cemetery,
Jerusalem (688/1289)”

14. Bethany J. Walker

“The Struggle over Water: Evaluating the ‘Water Culture’ of Syrian Peasants under Mamluk Rule”

15. Élise Franssen

“What was there in a Mamluk Amīr’s Library? Evidence from a Fifteenth-Century Manuscript”

E. Regional and Local Politics

16. Reuven Amitai

“Post-Crusader Acre in Light of a Mamluk Inscription and a Fatwā Document from

17. Joseph Drory

“Favored by the Sultan, Disfavored by his Son: Some Glimpses into the Career of Ṭashtamur Ḥummuṣ Akhḍar”



Academics interested in Islamic civilization during medieval times, in particular the Mamluk sultanate, the nadir of the slave system in the Islamic world.
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