Inquisitionis Hispanicae Artes: The Arts of the Spanish Inquisition. Reginaldus Gonsalvius Montanus

A Critical Edition of the Sanctae Inquisitionis Hispanicae Artes aliquot (1567) with a Modern English Translation


The Inquisitionis Hispanicae Artes (Heidelberg, 1567), written by exiled Spanish Protestants, is the first systematic denunciation of the Spanish Inquisition. Its first part is a description of the Inquisition’s methods, making use of the Inquisition’s own instruction manual, which was not publicly known. Its second section presents a gallery of individuals who suffered persecution in Seville during the anti-Protestant repression (1557-1565). The book had a great impact, being almost immediately translated into English, French, Dutch, German, and Hungarian. The portraits very soon passed into Protestant martyrologies, and the most shocking descriptions (torture, auto de fe) became ammunition for anti-Spanish literature. This critical edition presents a new text as well as, for the first time, extensive notes.

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Marcos J. Herráiz Pareja (1962), Ph.D Universidad Complutense (Madrid) is Associate Professor at the University of Castilla-La Mancha. He is currently working on medieval Aragonese translations of the classics.

Ignacio J. García Pinilla (1965) is Professor of Classics at the Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. He has published monographs and articles on the Spanish Protestants of the 16th century, including the Correspondence of Francisco de Enzinas.

Jonathan L. Nelson (1951), Ph.D University of Manchester, is Professor of Historical Theology at ProMETA, a post-graduate programme based in San José, Costa Rica. He has authored articles and edited books on early modern Spanish religious dissidents.
Acknowledgments Abbreviations
IntroductionA Widely Read WorkThe BookThe Book’s PublicationThe Book’s PreparationMeaning of the Title PageInternal Evidence for the AuthorshipThe Preface of the ArtesThe Dissemination of the ArtesThe Credibility of the Artes
Translator’s Note

The Text of the Inquisitionis Hispanicae Artes

Conspectus Siglorum
The Preface
Part I. Certain Devices of the Holy Inquisition of Spain Uncovered and Openly DisplayedThe Particular Method Customarily Observed by the Inquisitors in Citing and Apprehending Those Who are Accused (§ 1–12)Sequestration of Goods, Commonly Called secuestro (§ 13–16)Multiple Hearings (§ 17–39)Publication of Witnesses (§ 40–53)Confutation of Witnesses (§ 54–62)Sentencing to Torture, and Its Application (§ 63–80)Certain Other Devices for Investigating and Assailing Prisoners, So That They Confess What It is Useful for the Inquisitors to Know (§ 81–86)Other More Secret Practices (§ 87–102)What is Done with the Prisoners Regarding Their Maintenance (§ 103–122)Prison Visitations (§ 123–129)The auto de fe (§ 130–162)Interpretation of the Sentences (§ 163–172)
Part II. Certain Special Examples by Which One May More Clearly See the Inquisitorial Devices in Practice and Application (§ 173–197)
Part III. The Testaments of Certain Pious Martyrs of Christ Who, Although They Suffered Death with Christian Constancy for the Confession of the Gospel, were Afterwards Defamed by the Inquisitors with the Charge of Apostasy and DefectionIntroduction (§ 198–199)Don Juan Ponce de León (§ 200–205)Juan González, a Preacher (§ 206–209)Four Women of Seville: Isabel de Baena, María de Virués, María de Cornejo, María de Bohórquez (§ 210–213)Hernando de San Juan (§ 214–216)Julián Hernández (§ 217–222)Juan de León, a Monk of the Monastery of San Isidro of Seville (§ 223–228)Francisca de Chaves (§ 229–230)Cristóbal de Losada, Physician (§ 231–233)Cristóbal Arellano (§ 234–236)García Arias, Called el maestro Blanco (§ 237–255)Doctor Juan Gil, Preacher in the Cathedral of Seville (§ 256–274)Doctor Constantino de la Fuente, Teaching Canon of the Cathedral of Seville (§ 275–297)
Appendix 1: John Frampton’s Autobiographical Account Appendix 2: Two Contemporary Reports of the Seville auto de fe, September 1559 Appendix 3: A Register of Persons Burnt by the Seville Inquisition in 1559, 1560, and 1563, Published by Vincent Skinner in 1569 Appendix 4: Vincent Skinner’s Preliminary Materials from the 1569 Edition of A Discovery and Playne Declaration of the Sundry Subtill Practises of the Holy Inquisition of Spayne Appendix 5: Excerpts from Antonio del Corro’s Supplication Exhibited to the Most Mighty Prince Philip, King of Spain (1577) Appendix 6: Letter of Father Durán, S.J. (Rome, 23 August 1559), about Events in Seville Appendix 7: Woodcuts Bibliography Index of Scripture References Index of Proper Names and Key Terms
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