Climate Change and Cultural Transition in Europe


Volume Editors: and
Climate Change and Cultural Transition in Europe is an account of Europe’s share in the making of global warming, which considers the past and future of climate-society interactions.
Contributors include: Clara Brandi, Rüdiger Glaser, Iso Himmelsbach, Claudia Kemfert, Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie, Claus Leggewie, Franz Mauelshagen, Geoffrey Parker, Christian Pfister, Dirk Riemann, Lea Schmitt, Jörn Sieglerschmidt, Markus Vogt, and Steffen Vogt.

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Pages: 408–414
Claus Leggewie, is a political scientist and historian and specialises in interdisciplinary cultural studies. His recent publications include: Anti-Europäer. Breivik, Dugin, al Suri & Co, Suhrkamp: Berlin, 2016 and Europe first! Eine Unabhängigkeitserklärung, Ullstein: Berlin, 2017. With Erik Meyer he is the editor of Global Pop. Das Buch zur Weltmusik, Metzler: Stuttgart, 2017.

Franz Mauelshagen is an environmental historian and historian of science. His recent publications include: With Sam White, Christian Pfister, Palgrave Handbook of Climate History, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017 and “Bridging the Great Divide — The Anthropocene as a Challenge to the Social Sciences and Humanities.” In Paul J. Crutzen et al. (eds.): The Anthropocene — A New Phase in Earth History , London, 2017.

List of Figures and Tables
Notes on Contributors

Introduction—Tracing and Replacing Europe’s Carbon Culture
Claus Leggewie and Franz Mauelshagen

Part 1: Ideas

1 Complexion and Climate: An Attempt at an Outline of Weather Outlooks in Europe from the Beginnings until Today
Jörn Sieglerschmidt
2 Theological Perspectives in the Ethical Debate about Climate Change
Markus Vogt

Part 2: Past

3 Long- and Short-Term Central European Climate Development in the Context of Vulnerability, Food Security, and Emigration
Rüdiger Glaser, Dirk Riemann, Steffen Vogt, and Iso Himmelsbach
4 History and Climate: The Crisis of the 1590s Reconsidered
Geoffrey Parker
5 The “Black Swan” of 1540: Aspects of a European Megadrought
Christian Pfister

Part 3: Memoirs

6 The Birth of Climate History
Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie

Part 4: Present

7 EU Climate Leadership? Europe’s Role in Global Climate Negotiations
Clara Brandi
8 Energy Transition in Germany: Sonderweg or Role Model?
Claudia Kemfert
9 Changing Climates, Changing Spaces, Changing Times: Adaptation and Conflict on the West Frisian Island of Ameland
Lea Schmitt

Part 5: Prospects

10 The Age of Uncertainty: The Challenges of Climate Change for the Insurance Business
Franz Mauelshagen
11 Climate Change and Future Pasts: Preliminary Considerations on a Historiography of the Future
Claus Leggewie

All interested in climate change and Europe, and anyone concerned with its causes and consequences.
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