Corporal Punishment of Children

Comparative Legal and Social Developments towards Prohibition and Beyond


Corporal Punishment of Children - Comparative Legal and Social Developments towards Prohibition and Beyond provides insights into the views and experiences of prominent academics, and political, religious, and human rights activists from Australia, Canada, Germany, Ireland, Israel, New Zealand, Norway, South Africa, Sweden, the UK, and the US. Country-specific and thematic insights in relation to children’s ongoing experience of corporal punishment are detailed and discussed, and key questions are raised and considered with a view to advancing progress towards societies in which children’s human rights to dignity and optimal development are more fully recognised.

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Bernadette J. Saunders Ph.D. (2005), Monash University, is Course Coordinator and Senior Lecturer/Researcher, Social Work, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia. Her publications and inter-disciplinary research largely focus upon injustices, resulting from law, language and culture, impacting disadvantaged groups, especially children.

Pernilla Leviner Ph.D. (2011), Stockholm University, is Associate Professor in Public Law Stockholm University, Sweden. Her research interests lie specifically in child law and social welfare law and her publications deal with the relation between the state, the family and the individual.

Bronwyn Naylor Ph.D. (1998), Cambridge University, is Professor of Law in the Graduate School of Business and Law at RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia. Her research covers doctrinal, socio-legal and criminological work, usually in interdisciplinary collaborations.
Academics from various disciplines, tertiary students, politicians, practitioners, teachers, legal professionals, religious leaders, and anyone interested in the health, well-being and human rights of children and young people.
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