Rationality and Decision Making: From Normative Rules to Heuristics offers a broad overview of both classic and very recent discussions concerning rationality and strategies of individual and group decision making. They are considered from a methodological, ethical, sociological, historical, cultural as well as an evolutionary perspective. Decision making, both rational and irrational, is treated in its complexity as an algorithmic, heuristic and intuitive process. The volume analyzes the theoretical and practical aspects of decision making in individual intentional endeavors and group or institutionalized undertakings. The analyses are mostly theoretical but they also appeal to empirical studies, proposed by philosophers and cognitive scientists who have studied logical, cognitive, biological, social and evolutionary aspects of human rationality.
Contributors include María José Frápolli, Marek Hetmański, Jan F. Jacko, Artur Koterski, Agnieszka Lekka-Kowalik, Sofia Miguens, Ángeles J. Perona, Manueal de Pinedo, João Alberto Pinto, Krzysztof Polit, Marcin Rządeczka, Rui Sampaio da Silva, Joanna Sokołowska, Barbara Trybulec, Marcin Trybulec, Neftalí Villanueva, Monika Walczak, Jan Winkowski, Anna Wójtowicz, Jesús Zamora-Bonilla, and António Zilhão.
Marek Hetmański, Ph.D. (1988), habilit (2000), Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, is Full Professor of Philosophy and Cognitive Science at that University. He has published monographs and many articles on naturalized epistemology and philosophy of information, including Epistemologia informacji (Copernicus Center Press, 2013).
Marek Hetmański, doktorat i habilitacja z filozofii, profesura z nauk o poznaniu i komunikacji społecznej, Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Opublikował monografie i artykuły z epistemologii i teorii informacji, w tym Epistemologię informacji (Copernicus Center Pres, 2013).
Notes on ContributorsIntroductionMarek Hetmański 1 Minimal Expressivism and the Meaning of Practical RationalityMaría José Frápolli and Neftalí Villanueva 2 Group Decision Making as Rational Undertaking: Rationality Attributed or Described?Marek Hetmański 3 It Takes Effort to be (Collectively) Rational: Group as a Reasoning AgentBarbara Trybulec 4 Seeing What a “Science of Rationality” Founders on (with a Little Help from Donald Davidson)Sofia Miguens and João Alberto Pinto 5 Soft Rationality and Reticulated Universality: Reflecting on the Debate between Richard Rorty and Hilary PutnamÁngeles J. Perona 6 From Volleying to Distributed Embodied RationalityManuel de Pinedo 7 Psychology and the Norms of RationalityRui Sampaio da Silva 8 Inferentialism, Rationality, and Value-driven EpistemologyJesứs Zamora-Bonilla 9 Rational Decisions and Wise Decisions: Two Names for the Same Thing?Agnieszka Lekka-Kowalik 10 The Means-End Rationality and Constitutive Elements of ActionMonika Walczak 11 Moral Conditions for Methodologically Rational DecisionsJan Franciszek Jacko 12 Cognition and Rationality: Writing Straight with Crooked Lines?António Zilhão 13 When being Right is Not Good Enough: How Systematic Cognitive Biases Affect Decision Making StrategiesMarcin Rządeczka 14 Heuristics: Daniel Kahneman vs Gerd GigerenzerAnna Wójtowicz and Jan Winkowski 15 Rationality and Psychological Accuracy of Risky Choice Models Based on Option- vs. Dimension-wise EvaluationJoanna Sokołowska 16 Rationality in the Material WorldMarcin Trybulec 17 Neurath’s Decisionism and the Earliest Reviews of Logical EmpiricismArtur Koterski 18 From Pure Reason to Vital Reason: A Few Remarks on Ratiovitalism by José Ortega Y GassetKrzysztof PolitIndex
All interested in philosophy, natural sciences and cognitive science, including scholars and students dealing with the rationality and irrationality problem and decision making, especially with heuristics and biased cognition.