Johann Michael Wansleben’s Travels in the Levant, 1671–1674 is a hitherto unpublished version of a remarkable description of Egypt and the Levant by the German scholar traveller Wansleben, or Vansleb (as he was known in France). He set out for the East in 1671 to collect
manuscripts and antiquities for the French king and also produced the best study of the Copts to have appeared to date. This book recounts his travels in Syria, Turkey and Egypt, his everyday life in Cairo, and his anthropological and archeological discoveries which include the Graeco-Roman Ǧabbārī cemetery in Alexandria, the Roman city of Antinopolis on the Nile, the Coptic monastery of St Anthony on the Red Sea and the Red and White monasteries in Upper Egypt.
Alastair Hamilton, Ph.D. (1982), Cambridge, is Senior Research Fellow at the Warburg Institute, London University. He has published
monographs and articles on relations between Europe and the Arab world, including
The Copts and the West 1439-1822 (2006, 2nd.ed. 2014).
'Cette édition constitue donc une mine pour les historiens de la Méditerranée orientale. Elle est servie par un index, une bibliographie exhaustive et une annotation roborative, dans laquelle l’érudition de l’éditeur n’est jamais prise en défaut. Le voyage est judicieusement mis en parallèle avec d’autres relations, notamment celle du jésuite Claude Sicart, successeur de Wansleben, admirablement éditée par le R.P. Maurice Martin. Il fallait l’intime connaissance de l’Égypte, la solide maîtrise des langues et la parfaite compréhension de l’histoire européenne des études orientales d’Alastair Hamilton pour publier ce manuscrit et restituer au plus juste la place de Johann Michael Wansleben dans les milieux savants de son temps'.
Aurélien Girard in
Church History and Religious Culture, 98 (2018), pp. 510-512
[...early modern travel does not come more exhilarating than Hamilton’s
Johann Michael Wansleben’s Travels in the Levant.
[... our German traveller provides not only a personal, immediate account of his journey’s fortunes and misfortunes, but his frequent asides to his reader—which seem too intimate to be addressed to his royal patron—involve us as much today as this journal would have enthralled seventeenth century readers: sans TV, sans internet, sans Instagram… Wansleben transcends these fast-paced media and provides us with an accessible, informative, detailed and somewhat divisive, humorous travelogue from which both the contemporary scholar and the amateur reader has much to learn'.
Cleo Cantone in
The Muslim World Book Review, 39:2, 2019, pp.12-16
'In a sixty-page introduction that would delight Borges and Amitav Ghosh alike, Hamilton narrates Wansleben’s life and guides the reader through his travel report. Wansleben published two accounts of Egypt, the first in Italian in 1671 and the second, more significant one, in French in 1677.
Johann Michael Wansleben’s Travels in the Levant offers an original Italian-language version of the second report, never before printed, and also includes explanatory notes, maps, appendices and a glossary, as well as reproductions of Wansleben’s beautiful illustrations'.
Alexander Bevilacqua in
Journal of Ecclesiastical History,70, 2019, pp. 651-653
[....'Cet ouvrage très agréablement édité offre au lecteur le récit inédit en italien du voyage de Johann Michael Wansleben au Levant... L'édition est dotée de notes de bas de page remarquables, d'un index nominatif et thématique fort utile, et d'une très riche bibliographie. Alastair Hamilton fait autorité pour ses travaux sur les Arabes dans l'érudition européenne de l'époque moderne. Dans une introduction de 60 pages, il nous livre une biographie exceptionnelle de J.M. Wansleben...'.
Bernard Heyberger in
Revue des mondes musulmans et de la Méditerranée [En ligne], 147 (1-2020)
“Le livre d’Alastair Hamilton, plus qu’une simple édition de texte, est un apport très important à l’histoire des études orientales au XVIIe siècle. La déjà riche collection d’ouvrages consacrés à la description de l’Égypte s’enrichit d’un nouveau volume d’importance.”
Francis Richard in:
Comptes rendus No.287 (2020).
Acknowledgements Abbreviations List of Illustrations
Giornale nel quale egli racconta le sue osservationi le più curiose, che egli ha fatto sopra li luoghi e paesi per dove egli è passato e li avenimenti li più memorabili che gli sono arrivati nel suo viaggio in Levante
Part 1: Parte prima del giornale
Part 2: La seconda parte del giornale
Part 3: La terza parte del giornale
Appendix 1 Appendix 2 Glossary Bibliography Index
All interested in seventeenth-century travel literature, Egypt and the Levant, the Copts, the history of manuscript collecting, antiquarianism, the history of archaeology, and French consulates in the Levant.