Bundist Legacy after the Second World War

“Real” Place versus “Displaced” Time. Free Ebrei Volume 1


Bundist Legacy after the Second World War offers an account on post-war Bund, the most important Jewish political party in East Europe before the outbreak of the Second World War. This subject area has attracted more attention in the last few years, when a new generation of scholars is trying to assess the “transformation” of memory and the political, cultural and pedagogical role played by the last members of Bund. This volume aims to create a new “Bund” (union) after the end of historical Bund, and help to answer the question, “What is to be done after the birth of Israel?” The volume is one of the first attempts to answer this crucial existential and political question.

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Vincenzo Pinto, Ph.D (1974) is an Italian historian, teacher and journalist. He has published monographs, translations and articles on Zionism, anti-Semitism and Jewish contemporary identity. Among them, the biography of Ze'ev Vladimir Jabotinsky (2007) and the first Italian critical edition of Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf (2017).
Vincenzo Pinto
1 Bundists in the Soviet Union during World War II
Martyna Rusiniak-Karwat
2 Bund and Jewish Fraction of the Polish Workers’ Party in Poland after 1945
Bożena Szaynok
3 The French Bundist Movement after the Holocaust: Between Self and Collective Reconstruction (1944–1948)
Constance Pâris de Bollardière
4 The Bund in Israel: Searching for Jewish Working Class Secular Brotherhood in Zion
Gali Drucker Bar-Am
5 The Goldene Medineh? Bund and Jewish Left in the Post-war United States
David Slucki
6 History Erased by the Victors: Israeli Academic and Popular Historiography on the Jewish Labour Movement
Roni Gechtman
Appendices: Documents and Memories
15 Years of the Bund and the “Lebns-fragn” in Israel
Yisakhar Artusky
Bundism in the State of Israel
Yisakhar Artuski
All interested in the history of Jewish Bund during and after the Second World War, in the transformation of individual and collective memory, and the problem of a Jewish Social-democracy after the birth of Israel.
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