This book aims to analyze the genesis and evolution of late Gothic painting in the Crown of Aragon and the rest of the Hispanic kingdoms, examining this phenomenon in relation to the whole context of Europe in the second half of the fifteenth century. The authors consider the influence of the Flemish primitive movement on the art produced by their Spanish colleagues, the artistic relations and interchanges with the Netherlands and other countries, and the introduction and development of the Flemish language in the Spanish lands. The book also examines altarpieces, considering topics such as changes in shape and structure and liturgical links, along with offering stylistic analyses supported by new technologies.
Contributors are Joan Aliaga, Maria Antonia Argelich, Marc Ballesté, Judith Berg Sobré, Carme Berlabé, Eduardo Carrero, Ximo Company, Francesca Español, Francesc Fité, Montserrat Jardí, Nicola Jennings, Fernando Marías, Didier Martens, Isidre Puig, Nuria Ramón, Pedro José Respaldiza, Stefania Rusconi, Tina Sabater, Albert Sierra, Pilar Silva, Lluïsa Tolosa, Alberto Velasco, and Joaquín Yarza (†).
Alberto Velasco, Ph.D. (2016), Universitat de Lleida, is assistant professor at that university and curator in the Museu de Lleida. He has published monographs and articles on Catalan and Aragonese Gothic painting.
Francesc Fité, Ph.D. (1987), Universitat de Barcelona, is professor of Medieval Art at Universitat de Lleida. He has published monographs and studies on Catalan medieval art, iconography and craftsmen in the Middle Ages.
Avant-propos List of Figures Joaquin Yarza Luaces (†) List of Contributors
Introduction: Late Gothic Painting in the Crown of Aragon and the Hispanic Kingdoms Alberto Velasco Gonzàlez and Francesc Fité Llevot
Part 1: Introductory Papers
L’obra de Flandes dans les territoires de la couronne d’Aragon. Marché et importations artistiques entre 1450 et 1500 Francesca Español Bertran 2
Some Questions About the Flemish Model in Aragonese Painting (1440-1500) Alberto Velasco Gonzàlez 3
Bartolomé Bermejo and the Painting Business in the Crown of Aragon Judith Berg Sobré 4
Late Gothic Painting in Majorca Tina Sabater 5
Valencia and Late Gothic Painting Ximo Company 6
Les Primitifs flamands et leur ‘réception’ dans la peinture castillane de la fin du Moyen Âge Didier Martens 7
On Hispano-Flemish Painting in the Kingdom of Castile Pilar Silva Maroto
Part 2: Contributions
Bermejo in Daroca Fernando Marías 9
St. John the Baptist: A Work by the Juan de la Abadía Workshop at the Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya (Barcelona) Montserrat Jardí Anguera 10
The Sales of Art Works from the Monastery of Sijena (Huesca) During the Twentieth Century: Late Gothic Painting Carmen Berlabé 11
Late-Gothic Mural Painting at the Beginning of the Renaissance in the Aran Valley: Unha and Arties Albert Sierra i Reguera 12
Identifying the Hand Involved in a Man of Sorrows Produced in the Workshop of the Master of Artés Nicola Jennings and Isidro Puig 13
Valencian Late-Gothic Painting Documents: Contributions of the Medieval and Modern Research Center (CIMM, Polytechnic University of Valencia and University of Lleida) Ximo Company, Joan Aliaga, Lluïsa Tolosa, Isidro Puig, Núria Ramón, Stefania Rusconi and Maria Antonia Argelich 14
Liturgy as Visual Argument: Monastic Churches and Retrochoirs in Donor Imagery by the Master of Sopetrán (Prado Museum) Eduardo Carrero Santamaría 15
A Resurrection by the Master of Portillo: Underlying Drawings Isidro Puig Sanchis and Marc Ballesté Escorihuela 16
Late Gothic Mural Paintings in the Monastery of San Isidoro del Campo, Seville Pedro José Respaldiza Lama
Bibliography Index
All interested in Spanish medieval art, and artistic relations and exchanges in 15th-century Europe. The text is intended for scholars and researchers, but also for upper-level undergraduate courses.