This landmark book represents the first text to pay critical and sustained attention to Whiteness in Canada from an impressive line-up of leading scholars and activists. The burgeoning scholarship on Whiteness will benefit richly from this book’s timely inclusion of the insights of Canadian scholars, educators, activists and others working for social justice within and through the educational system, with implications far beyond national borders.
Over 20 leading scholars and activists have contributed a diversity of chapters offering a concerted scholarly analysis of how the complex problematic of Whiteness affects the structure, culture, content and achievement within education in Canada. Contributors include James Frideres, Carl James, Cynthia Levine-Rasky, and Patrick Solomon.
The book critically examines diverse perspectives, contexts, and the construction and application of societal and institutional practices, both formal and informal, that underpin inequitable power relations and disenfranchisement. Its relevance extends beyond the Canadian context, as those in other global settings will find abundant and poignant lessons for their own transformative work in education with a particular focus on social justice.
Awards for The Great White North: The publication Award
Canadian Association for Foundations in Education (2009)
Canadian Race Relations Foundation Award of Distinction (2008)
"Naming Whiteness and White identity is a political project as much as an intellectual engagement, and the co-editors of this collection must be commended for creating the space for such naming to take place in public and academic discourses. Is it noteworthy to acknowledge that both Paul and Darren are White, and that they are overseeing this work on Whiteness? I believe that it is, not because others cannot write about the subject with clarity and insight, as is clearly evident in the diverse range of contributors to this book. Rather, naming their positions as White allies embracing a rigorous conceptual and analytical discourse in the social justice field is an important signal that White society must also become intertwined in the entrenched racism that infuses every aspect of our society. As Paul and Darren correctly point out, race is still a pivotal concern for everything that happens in society, and especially in schools. "—Excerpt from the Foreword by
George J. Sefa Dei, Professor and Chair, Department of Sociology and Equity Studies,
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto (OISE/UT) "
The Great White North? provides a timely and important mode of addressing and examining the contradictions of Whiteness, and also challenging its insinuation into the very pores of the Canadian social universe. While the context of the book is distinctly Canadian, there are urgent messages here on race and anti-racism for the international community. Carr and Lund have provided educators with a vibrant contribution to the critical anti-racist literature. This is a book that needs to be put on reading- lists across the disciplines!"—
Peter McLaren, Professor, Graduate School of Education and Information Studies,
University of California at Los Angeles