Transformative Doctoral Research Practices for Professionals


The purpose and impact of the professional doctorate—or EdD (Doctor of Education)—has long been debated. What should it be? Who should do it? Why is it worth doing? How should it be taught? What makes the EdD distinctive, unique and worthwhile?
Internationally, at the level of program development and provision, universities are increasing the range of transformative professional doctorate practices while recruiting larger numbers of students from a wider range of professions. Transformative Doctoral Research Practices for Professionals offers unique insight into the teaching, learning, thinking and doing of doctoral education. In the form of a collaboratively authored volume this book offers the first institutional-specific collection that focuses on doctoral research practices. It showcases: the practices of researching professionals at different phases and stages of a five year doctoral journey; the imperative of reflexivity as one moves from practitioner to researching professional and scholar; and the placing of ‘practice’ at the centre of a doctoral program specifically designed for professionals.
This book shares the lived-through debates, deliberations, challenges and experiences of a group of professional (practitioner) doctoral students, their supervisors and lecturers. The critical perspectives and examples explored offer a wealth of insights on the distinct practices and unique journeying of professional practitioners embarking on professional doctorates. This volume invites you to reflect on and enter into dialogue with your peers and professional learning and research communities about the distinctiveness of the professional doctorate.

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Fields and Oceans
Helping Professional Doctorate Students to Orientate Themselves and Navigate through Their Practitioner Research Journeys
Pages: 1–12
PhD: Been There, Done That
So, Why Do a (Second), Professional Doctorate?
Pages: 29–41
Three Agendas for Researching Professionals
Challenging and Developing Your Thinking about Your Doctoral Practices
Pages: 43–60
The Teacher as a Learner
Theorising a Shift in Mindset at the Start of My Professional Doctorate Journey
Pages: 75–89
Professional Doctorate Researching and the Changing ‘Self’
A Personal and Professional Journey
Pages: 91–100
Leading Professional Change through Research(ing)
Conceptual Tools for Professional Practice and Research
Pages: 141–154
Educational Researchers and their students
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Manufacturer information:
Koninklijke Brill B.V. 
Plantijnstraat 2
2321 JC
Leiden / The Netherlands