The Reconfiguration of Hebrew in the Hellenistic Period

Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on the Hebrew of the Dead Sea Scrolls and Ben Sira at Strasbourg University, June 2014


The present volume of proceedings offers cutting-edge research on the Hebrew language in the late Persian, Hellenistic and Roman periods. Fourteen specialists of ancient Hebrew illuminate various aspects of the language, from phonology through grammar and syntax to semantics and interpretation. The research furthers the exegesis of biblical and non-biblical texts, it helps determine the chronological outline of Hebrew literature, and contributes to a better understanding of the sociolinguistic aspects of the language in the period of the Second Temple. Hebrew did not die out after the Babylonian exile, but continued to be used in speaking and writing in a variety of settings.

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Jan Joosten, PhD (1989) Jerusalem, ThD (1994) Brussels is Regius Professor of Hebrew at the University of Oxford and Student of Christ Church. His research is mainly concerned with Hebrew grammar, textual criticism and Septuagint studies.

Daniel Machiela, PhD (2007) Notre Dame, is Associate Professor of Religious Studies at McMaster University. His research deals with the literature and history of Second Temple period Judaism, focused especially on Jewish scriptural interpretation, the Dead Sea Scrolls, and Aramaic writings.

Jean-Sébastien Rey, PhD (2006) Strasbourg and Leuven, is Professor of Exegesis at the University of Lorraine in Metz, France. He is director of the Revue de Qumrân and his fields of research concern the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Jewish and Early Christian literature of the Hellenistic and Roman Period.

This collection of essays presents a diverse range of topics which helpfully nuances our understanding of Hebrew in the Second Temple period.
Alun Morton Thomas, SOTS Book List, 2019
All interested in the history of the Hebrew language as attested in the Second Temple period: the Hebrew of the Dead Sea Scrolls, Late Biblical Hebrew, Mishnaic Hebrew, and the Hebrew of Ben Sira.
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