Creative Dimensions of Teaching and Learning in the 21st Century


Volume Editor:
In a rapidly changing world the importance of creativity is more apparent than ever. As a result, creativity is now essential in education.

Creative Dimensions of Teaching and Learning in the 21st Century appeals to educators across disciplines teaching at every age level who are challenged daily to develop creative practices that promote innovation, critical thinking and problem solving.

The thirty-five original chapters written by educators from different disciplines focus on theoretical and practical strategies for teaching creatively in contexts ranging from mathematics to music, art education to second language learning, aboriginal wisdom to technology and STEM. They explore and illustrate deep learning that is connected to issues vital in education – innovation, identity, engagement, relevance, interaction, collaboration, on-line learning, dynamic assessment, learner autonomy, sensory awareness, social justice, aesthetics, critical thinking, digital media, multi-modal literacy and more.

The editors and authors share their passion for creativity, teaching, learning, curriculum, and teacher education in this collection that critically examines creative practices that are appearing in today’s public schools, post-secondary institutions and adult and community learning centres. Creativity is transforming education in the 21st century.

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Creative Development in Teacher Education
When You Dress Educators up, They Need a Place to Go
Pages: 59–68
Identity Text Projects
Generating Academic Power in Multilingual Classrooms
Pages: 69–76
Creative Practices in the Observation of Everyday Life
The Crack in the Door That Invites a Creative Vision
Pages: 91–98
Back to the Garden
Coming to Our Senses
Pages: 99–106
Enhancing Education
Material Culture, Visual Media, and the Aesthetics of Teachers’ Lives
Pages: 107–115
Autobiographical Creation
A Powerful Professional Development Strategy for Teachers
Pages: 117–129
Art Matters
An Advocacy Experience for Teacher-Candidates
Pages: 131–138
Digiart and Human Rights
New Media Visual Art Integration for Teacher Candidates OR Avoiding the Information, Communication Technology (ICT) Vacuity Using Visual Art Education Infusion
Pages: 163–173
De-Constructing Cabinets of Curiosity
Learning to Think Historically in Community History Museums
Pages: 197–207
Web-Based Arts Education
Creativity in the Classroom
Pages: 253–260
Play and Learn
Build your Robot and Learn Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)
Pages: 261–267
Glyffix Play
A Modern Image-Based Form of Language Play
Pages: 277–285
Tutoring Second Language Learners within Their Zone of Proximal Development
Recommendations for Changes in University Writing Center Pedagogy
Pages: 287–294
A Creative Process
Using Songwriting to Develop Creativity
Pages: 307–314
From Research Technique to Classroom Activity
Adapting Elicited Imitation as a Grammar-for-Speaking Task
Pages: 315–320
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Manufacturer information:
Koninklijke Brill B.V. 
Plantijnstraat 2
2321 JC
Leiden / The Netherlands