In Intersectionality of Race, Ethnicity, Class, and Gender in Teaching and Teacher Education, the editors bring together scholarship that employs an intersectionality approach to conditions that affect public school children, teachers, and teacher educators. Chapter authors use intersectionality to examine group identities not only for their differences and experiences of oppression, but also for differences within groups that contribute to conflicts among groups. This collection moves beyond single-dimension conceptions that undermines legal thinking, disciplinary knowledge, and social justice. Intersectionality in this collection helps complicate static notions of race, ethnicity, class, and gender in education. Hence, this book stands as an addition to research on educational equity in relation to institutional systems of power and privilege.
Norvella Carter, Ph.D. (1990), Loyola University Chicago, is Professor and Endowed Chair Emeritus, Texas A&M University (TAMU). She is editor of The National Journal of Urban Education and Practice (TAMU/Texas Southern University, 2017) and editor of Convergence or Divergence (AACTE Publications, 2003).
Michael Vavrus, Ph.D. (1978), Michigan State University, is Professor Emeritus at Evergreen State College. He is author of Diversity and Education: A Critical Multicultural Approach (Teachers College Press, 2015) and Transforming the Multicultural Education of Teachers (Teachers College Press, 2002).
Foreword: Considering Another View of Intersectionality vii
Geneva Gay
Acknowledgement of Reviewers xii
Notes on Contributors xiii
1 Introduction: Intersectionality Related to Race, Ethnicity, Class and Gender 1
Norvella P. Carter
2 Intersectionality, Colonizing Education, and the Indigenous Voice of Survivance 17
John P. Hopkins
3 Intersectional Considerations for Teaching Diversity 30
China M. Jenkins
4 Intersections of Race and Class in Preservice Teacher Education: Advancing Educational Equity 44
Kamala V. Williams and Quinita Ogletree
5 The Elephant in the Room: Approaches of White Educators to Issues of Race and Racism 57
Amy J. Samuels
6 Teaching African American and Latinx Learners: Moving beyond a Status Quo Punitive Disciplinary Context to Considerations for Equitable Pedagogy in Teacher Education 70
Gwendolyn C. Webb-Hasan, Victoria L. Jones and Chi Yun Moon
7 Intersectionality of Ethnicity, Gender, and Disability with Disciplinary Practices Used with Indigenous Students: Implications for Teacher Preparation and Development 86
Denise K. Whitford
8 “That Kind of Affection Ain’t Welcome from a Black Man”: The Intersections of Race and Genderin the Elementary Classroom 99
Dawn Tafari
9 We’re Not Misbehaving: Cultivating the Spirit of Defiance in Black Male Students 110
Marlon C. James, Kelly Ferguson, Willie C. Harmon Jr. and Kevin L. Jones
10 Black Girls Matter: An Intersectional Analysis of Young Black Women’s Experiences and Resistance to Dominating Forces in School 124
Julia Daniel and Terrenda White
11 Latinx and Education: Shattering Stereotypes 137
Mónica Vásquez Neshyba
12 Intersecting Histories in the Present: Deconstructing How White Preservice Teachers at Rural South African Schools Perceive Their Black Supervising Teacher and Students 150
Warren Chalklen
13 Afterword: Movement toward a “Third Reconstruction” and Educational Equity 164
Michael Vavrus
Index 179
Teacher educators, education students, teachers, educational policymakers, academic libraries and others interested in and concerned about how race, ethnicity, class, and gender intersect in the lives of school-age children.