Airing the Past: Inquiries into Digital Memories

This volume was first published by Inter-Disciplinary Press in 2016.

The articles comprised in this anthology are attempting to discuss the rapid change of digital media technologies and the way they impetus our understanding of history and memory. History should not be regarded only as an object of research. It is also a subject, performing and registering agency. The aim of the articles will not be to cover the whole range of mediated histories, but to claim fresh insights for debate and discovery in terms of digital memories. In this sense, contributions for this volume will leave the “doors of perception” (Aldous Huxley) wide open and sketch the impact of media to different cultural practices, identity work and preservation of history, as well as the examination of it. Likewise, divergence of the papers at hand indicates that the concept “digital” ought to be recognized as institutional practices, methodological tools, or as content providers for memories.

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Nuria Rodríguez Ortega is Art History PhD and Digital Humanities practitioner. She is professor and chair of the Art History Department at the University of Málaga and Director of the research group iArtHis_Lab. Her investigation unfolds in several lines: exploration of new digital narratives, building of expanded digital editions, application of data analysis and visualizations to the study of cultural phenomena, and critical inquiries into digital cultures.

Fátima Díez-Platas is assistant professor of Art History at the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain) and main researcher of the Biblioteca Digital Ovidiana, a digital library for the illustrated Ovid editions. Her research interests lie in ancient Greek iconography, figurate mythology in Classical tradition, Ancient aesthetics and Classics and Digital Humanities.

Seppo Kuivakari works as a lecturer in the faculty of art and design at the University of Lapland. Currently, he is interested in the history of simulation culture.
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