Facing Our Darkness: Manifestations of Fear, Horror and Terror

This volume was first published by Inter-Disciplinary Press in 2015.

Fear ... Horror ... Terror ... The very words cause us to tingle with both anticipation and unease. Sitting in the movie theatre waiting for the murderer to jump out and kill the clueless teenager we are both repulsed and excited about the impending death. We yell, “He’s behind the tree!” knowing our reminders are pointless but unable to restrain ourselves when caught up in the panic of the moment. Humans have a fascination with fear, horror, and terror. Why? Whatever the reason, it both fascinates and often disgusts us. All of these emotional phenomena – fear, horror, terror – are infected by our fear of death. In the end all three phenomena test our courage. Yet this courage is not only heroic – each and every optimistic, trusting, self-confident, and faithful person permanently has it in spite of all the fears, horrors, and terrors with which the state of human existence threatens us since the dawn of self-awareness. This book is about some of these threats...

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Laura Colmenero-Chilberg, Ph.D. is Professor of Sociology at Black Hills State University. Her research interests include a focus on gender and popular culture, in particular works of popular horror fiction.

Ferenc Mújdricza holds an MA in Sociology, and currently he is a Ph.D. student at the Semmelweis University in Budapest. His research focuses on the relationship between fear of death and social trust.
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