Arabic and Persian Manuscripts in the Birnbaum Collection, Toronto

A Brief Catalogue


Arabic and Persian Manuscripts in the Birnbaum Collection, Toronto includes many early copies, from the 6th century A.H. / 12th century C.E. onwards. They cover a wide range of subjects. The catalogue gives detailed descriptions of 66 Arabic and 34 Persian works, arranged by subject. Author and title indexes provide easy access, and photographs of selected pages enhance the descriptions. The manuscripts were acquired individually over many decades.

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Eleazar Birnbaum began studying Arabic in 1947 at the age of 17, later followed by Turkish and Persian, all at the University of London. He has been an Islamics librarian at the Universities of Durham (England) and Michigan. Since 1964 he has been Professor (now Emeritus) of Turkish Studies at the University of Toronto. Among his recent publications is a catalogue of his own collection of Ottoman Turkish manuscripts: Ottoman Turkish and Çaĝatay MSS in Canada. A Union Catalogue of the Four Collections (Brill, 2015).
List of Illustrations


Arabic Manuscripts Introduction to the Arabic Manuscripts
A Geography
B Language and Lexicography
C Literature: Poetry
D Literature: Prose
E Qurʾān
F Tafsīr
G Islām: Other (Ḥadīth, ʿAqāʾid, Fiqh, Fatwā, Eschatology, Prayer, etc.)
H Sufism
I Druze
J Ethics
K Encyclopedic; Sciences and Pseudosciences; Medicine; Mixed
L Ijāza
M Calligraphy
N Persian Philology

Persian Manuscripts Introduction to the Persian Manuscripts
A History
B Literature
C Islam; Religion
D Ethics
E Language, Lexicography, and Prosody
F Encyclopedia
G Astrology
H Document
I Addendum: [Majmūʿa]

Bibliography and Sigla Arabic Manuscripts: Author Index Arabic Manuscripts: Title Index Concordance of Arabic Manuscripts Persian Manuscripts: Author Index Persian Manuscripts: Title Index Concordance of Persian Manuscripts
This illustrated catalogue will interest librarians and scholars of Arabic, Persian and Islamic studies. The manuscripts, mostly oId, include works on geography, the Arabic and Persian languagues and literatures (prose and poetry), lexicography, Qur'anic sciences, history, ethics, medicine and pseudo-sciences.
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