Learning from Academic Conferences


In Learning from Academic Conferences, the editor combines research findings and practical advice aimed at ensuring organizers, attendees and administrators get the most from academic conferences. Contributors from the UK and Canada have pooled their experience and research findings to produce a guide in three parts. Starting with a focus on participants, moving onto presenters and finally addressing organizers, the authors provide comprehensive advice. Conferences are expensive in terms of time and resources; this book will ensure that investment is put to best effect.

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Celia Popovic, Director of the Teaching Commons at York University, has had many years’ experience organizing and attending conferences. She served as the co-chair conferences for SEDA (Staff and Educational Development Association) for 3 years and most recently was elected for a second term as Vice Chair Conferences for EDC (Educational Developers Caucus).
This book will be of interest to all who attend, present at or organize academic conferences, including graduate students, faculty and administrators.
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