In Two Thousand Years in Dendi, Northern Benin an international team examines a little-known part of the Niger River valley, West Africa, over the longue durée. This area, known as Dendi, has often been portrayed as the crossroads of major West African medieval empires but this understanding has been based on a small number of very patchy historical sources. Working from the ground up, from the archaeological sites, standing remains, oral traditions and craft industries of Dendi, Haour and her team offer the first in-depth account of the area.
Contributors are: Paul Adderley, Mardjoua Barpougouni, Victor Brunfaut, Louis Champion, Annalisa Christie, Barbara Eichhorn, Anne Filippini, Dorian Fuller, Olivier Gosselain, David Kay, Nadia Khalaf, Nestor Labiyi, Raoul Laibi, Richard Lee, Veerle Linseele, Alexandre Livingstone Smith, Carlos Magnavita, Sonja Magnavita, Didier N'Dah, Nicolas Nikis, Sam Nixon, Franck N’Po Takpara, Jean-François Pinet, Ronika Power, Caroline Robion-Brunner, Lucie Smolderen, Abubakar Sule Sani, Romuald Tchibozo, Jennifer Wexler, Wim Wouters.
Anne Haour, DPhil Oxford (2002), is Professor in the Arts and Archaeology of Africa at the Sainsbury Research Unit, University of East Anglia. She has published extensively on the archaeology of West Africa and on wider themes such as empires.
Acknowledgements List of Figures and Tables List of Maps
Part 1
1 Introduction Anne Haour
2 Crossing Archaeology and Oral Tradition: Approaching Dendi History from Sites of Memory Olivier Gosselain and Lucie Smolderen
3 Palaeoenvironmental Data on Dendi, in the Last 3000 Years Anne Haour
4 The Archaeology of the Eastern Niger Valley Anne Haour and Didier N’Dah
5 An Archaeological and Ethnographic Approach to a Site and Its Region Anne Haour, Olivier Gosselain, Alexandre Livingstone Smith, Sam Nixon and Didier N’Dah
Part 2
6 Landforms, Hydrography, and Vegetation Raoul Laïbi, Didier N’Dah and Paul Adderley
7 The Archaeological Landscape: Survey and Settlement Nadia Khalaf, Anne Haour, Didier N’Dah and Alexandre Livingstone Smith
Part 3
8 Ethnographic Methods Olivier Gosselain, Lucie Smolderen, Victor Brunfaut, Jean-François Pinet and Alexandre Livingstone Smith
9 Architecture and Settlements Today Victor Brunfaut and Jean-François Pinet
10 Textile Production in Dendi: An Ethnographic and Historical Study of a Chain of Production Lucie Smolderen
Part 4
11 Excavation Strategies and Methods: Approaching an Archaeological Terra Incognita Anne Haour, Didier N’Dah, Carlos Magnavita, Sam Nixon and Alexandre Livingstone Smith
12 The Mound of Tombo: Introduction to the Site Didier N’Dah, Carlos Magnavita, Sam Nixon, Anne Haour and Alexandre Livingstone Smith
13 The Geophysical Prospection of Birnin Lafiya Carlos Magnavita
14 The Pavements at Tombo Birnin Lafiya Didier N’Dah and Barpougouni Mardjoua
15 Pavements and Other Architectural Features Sam Nixon
16 Stratigraphy and Dating: Excavation Units and Associated Dates Alexandre Livingstone Smith, Louis Champion, Nicolas Nikis and Anne Haour
17 The Pottery Anne Haour, Sam Nixon, Alexandre Livingstone Smith, Nicolas Nikis, and David K. Kay
18 Ironworking Caroline Robion-Brunner
19 Metal Objects and Slag from Birnin Lafiya Anne Filippini
20 Beads and Pendants Sonja Magnavita
21 The Cowrie Shells Annalisa Christie and Anne Haour
22 Figurines and Terracotta Objects Romuald Tchibozo
23 Archaeobotanical Remains Louis Champion and Dorian Fuller
24 Wood Charcoal Barbara Eichhorn
25 Animal Remains Veerle Linseele and Wim Wouters
26 Human Skeletal Material Ronika K. Power and Anne Haour
Part 5
27 Birnin Lafiya within West African Archaeology Anne Haour and Sam Nixon
28 The Site within West African Political and Craft History Olivier Gosselain and Anne Haour
Part 6: Catalogue of Trench Descriptions
A Pekinga (PEK) Abubakar Sule Sani
B Toutokayeri (TTO-14-SI, II & III) Nicolas Nikis, Alexandre Livingstone Smith and Anne Haour
C Kompa Dune (KOD) Anne Haour and Nadia Khalaf
D Torouwey (TRO-14-SI) Alexandre Livingstone Smith and Olivier Gosselain
E Kompanti (PTI-14-SI) Alexandre Livingstone Smith and Nicolas Nikis
F Tin Tin Kanza Louis Champion, Nadia Khalaf and Anne Haour
G Boyeri (BOY-14-SI & II) Nicolas Nikis, Alexandre Livingstone Smith and Olivier Gosselain
H Bogo Bogo (GOG-14-SI) Nicolas Nikis and Alexandre Livingstone Smith
I Kwara zeno (KAZ-14-SI & II) Pascal Gnankpo Amoussou, Inès Corolin Amoussou, Nicolas Nikis, Olivier Gosselain and Alexandre Livingstone Smith
J Gorouberi (GOB-13-SII) Caroline Robion-Brunner
K Gorouberi (GOB-14-SI & II) Nicolas Nikis, Alexandre Livingstone Smith, Anne Filippini and Anne Haour
L Karimama (KAR-14-SI) Alexandre Livingstone Smith and Nicolas Nikis
M Kusulabu (KUS-14-SI & SII) Alexandre Livingstone Smith, Nicolas Nikis and Barpougouni Mardjoua
N Kozungu (KOZ-14-SI) Alexandre Livingstone Smith and Nicolas Nikis
O Tondo windi (TOW-14-SI) Louis Champion and Anne Haour
P Bokorobu (BOK) Frank N’Po Takpara
Q Birnin Lafiya (S1) Anne Haour
R Birnin Lafiya (S4) Anne Haour and Barpougouni Mardjoua
S Birnin Lafiya (S5) Alexandre Livingstone Smith, Nicolas Nikis, Louis Champion and Anne Haour
T Birnin Lafiya (S8) Richard Lee
U Birnin Lafiya (S9) Alexandre Livingstone Smith and Nicolas Nikis
V Birnin Lafiya (S3/10) Sam Nixon
W Birnin Lafiya (S11) Richard Lee
X Birnin Lafiya S13 Jennifer Wexler and Nestor Labiyi
Y Kargui (KGI-14-SI) Alexandre Livingstone Smith and Anne Fillipini
Z Alibori I Didier N’Dah
AA Alibori Site 2 Didier N’Dah
AB Molla (MOL-14-SI) Inès Carolin Amoussou, Nicolas Nikis, Alexandre Livingstone Smith and Anne Haour
AC Tomboutou (TOU-14-SI) Pascal Gnankpo Amoussou, Alexandre Livingstone Smith, Nicolas Nikis and Anne Haour
AD Kantoro (KRO-14) Louis Champion, Anne Haour and Anne Filippini
AE Garou (GAR-14-SI) Alexandre Livingstone Smith
AF Guene zeno (ENE-14/SI & II) Alexandre Livingstone Smith
AG Guene (GUE-14-SI) Alexandre Livingstone Smith
AH Kouboukoukourou (ROU-14-SI) Alexandre Livingstone Smith
AI Madekali (KLI-14-SI & RC1) Alexandre Livingstone Smith, Louis Champion and Nicolas Nikis
Pottery Plates
Catalogue of Small Finds
Radiocarbon Dates
Gazetteer References Maps Index
All interested in the archaeology of Africa, crafts in West Africa, memorialisation and conceptions of history among West African communities, and the political and economic history and archaeology of Africa.