Natural History in Early Modern France offers a longue durée account of recurring poetic structures of the genre through case studies spanning from the Renaissance to the eve of the nineteenth century.
These case studies reveal the lasting epistemic importance of bookish knowledge and commonplacing in the natural-historical description from Belon to Buffon. They also highlight the French reception of Baconianism.
Natural History in Early Modern France makes a case for the literary status of the genre by attending to the permanence of its 'Plinian' features, such as wonders. Natural history was not only concerned with increasingly rational modes of ordering natural particulars: this book reveals its enduring social, affective, spiritual, and aesthetic underpinnings.
Contributors are: Peter Anstey, Susan Broomhall, Isabelle Charmantier, Arlette Fruet, Raphaële Garrod, Paul Gibbard, Dana Jalobeanu, Myriam Marrache-Gouraud, Stéphane Schmitt, Paul J. Smith, and Stéphane Van Damme.
Raphaële Garrod, Ph.D. (2011), Trinity College, Cambridge, is research associate at Cambridge and incoming associate professor of early modern French at the University of Oxford. She has published on early modern French and neo-Latin intellectual history and literature.
Paul J. Smith, Ph.D. (1985), Leiden University, is professor of French literature at that University. He has published widely on early modern French literature, its reception in the Netherlands, and early modern natural history.
"This volume [...] beautifully illustrates literary approaches to the early modern French histoire naturelle."
Dorit Brixius, German Historical Institute in Paris, in
ISIS 111.2
“A timely collection on the intersection of literature and natural history, especially concerning plants and birds.”
Dorothea Heitsch, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. In:
Renaissance Quarterly, Vol. 73, No. 1 (Spring 2020), pp. 360–361.
Acknowledgements Figures and Tables Notes on the Editors Notes on the Contributors
Introduction. Knowledge and Literature: The Natural-Historical Description as Epistemic Genre? Raphaële Garrod
Deux recueils d’illustrations ornithologiques : les Icones avium (1555 et 1560) de Conrad Gessner et les Portraits d’oyseaux (1557) de Pierre Belon Paul J. Smith
Feeling Divine Nature: Natural History, Emotions and Bernard Palissy’s Knowledge Practice Susan Broomhall
L’idée d’un oiseau : l’oiseau de paradis ou la fabrication d’une merveille (XVIe et XVIIe siècles) Arlette Fruet
Du nouveau sur la licorne : le rôle des cabinets de curiosités dans l’avancée des savoirs Myriam Marrache-Gouraud
The Natural-Historical Rejuvenation of Emblematics: The Moral Pedagogy of Nicolas Caussin’s Polyhistor Symbolicus Raphaële Garrod
Natural History and Divertissement: J.B. Faultrier’s Traitté general des oyseaux (1660) Isabelle Charmantier
At the Borders of the Metropolis: Writing the Natural History of Paris in the Eighteenth Century Stéphane Van Damme
Rewriting Bacon’s Natural History: Pierre Amboise’s Translation of Sylva Sylvarum Dana Jalobeanu
Bacon, Experimental Philosophy and French Enlightenment Natural History Peter R. Anstey
La permanence des savoirs antiques dans l’histoire naturelle du second XVIIIe siècle Stéphane Schmitt
Empiricism and Sensibility in the Australian Journal of Théodore Leschenault de La Tour (1800-1803) Paul Gibbard
Index Nominum
Scholars of early modern history, history of science, early modern French.