The Right to Be Present at Trial in International Criminal Law


In The Right to Be Present at Trial in International Criminal Law Caleb H. Wheeler analyses what it means for the accused to be present during international criminal trials and how that meaning has changed. This book also examines the impact that absence from trial can have on the fair trial rights of the accused and whether those rights can be upheld outside of the accused’s presence. Using primary and secondary sources, Caleb Wheeler has identified four different categories of absence and how each affects the right to be present. This permits a more nuanced understanding of how the right to be present is understood in international criminal law and how it may develop in the future.

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Caleb H. Wheeler Ph.D. (2018), Middlesex University. He has published several articles on international criminal law and the practice of the International Criminal Court and is co-editor of a forthcoming volume on protecting state secrecy during domestic trials.
Academics and practitioners of international law as well as libraries and universities that stock law books or teach international law.
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