Eventful Learning

Learner Emotions


Volume Editors: and
A rich array of social and cultural theories constitutes a solid foundation that affords unique insights into teaching and learning science and learning to teach science. The approach moves beyond studies in which emotion, cognition, and context are often regarded as independent. Collaborative studies advance theory and resolve practical problems, such as enhancing learning by managing excess emotions and successfully regulating negative emotions. Multilevel studies address a range of timely issues, including emotional energy, discrete emotions, emotion regulation, and a host of issues that arose, such as managing negative emotions like frustration and anxiety, dealing with disruptive students, and regulating negative emotions such as frustration, embarrassment, disgust, shame, and anger. A significant outcome is that teachers can play an important role in supporting students to successfully regulate negative emotions and support learning.

The book contains a wealth of cutting edge methodologies and methods that will be useful to researchers and the issues addressed are central to teaching and learning in a global context. A unifying methodology is the use of classroom events as the unit for analysis in research that connects to the interests of teacher educators, teachers, and researchers who can adapt what we have done and learned, and apply it in their local contexts. Event-oriented inquiry highlights the transformative potential of research and provides catchy narratives and contextually rich events that have salience to the everyday practices of teachers, teacher educators, and researchers. Methods used in the research include emotion diaries in which students keep a log of their emotions, clickers to measure in-the-moment emotional climate, and uses of cogenerative dialogue, which caters to diverse voices of students and teachers.

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Stephen M. Ritchie, Ph.D. (1994), James Cook University, is Professor and Dean of the School of Education at Murdoch University in Perth Australia. He has led several nationally funded research projects that focus on the emotions produced in classroom interactions.
Kenneth Tobin, Ed.D. (1980), University of Georgia, is Presidential Professor of the Program in Urban Education at the Graduate Center, City University of New York. He has received numerous distinguished awards for his cutting edge research and publications, and is a Fellow of both the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the American Educational Research Association.
List of Figures and Tables

1. Events in Learning Science
Stephen M. Ritchie
2. Emotions in Learning Science
James P. Davis and Alberto Bellocchi
3. Methodological Bricolage
Kenneth Tobin
4. Science Demonstrations as Mediators of Emotional Experiences
Alberto Bellocchi, James Davis and Donna King
5. Negative Emotional Events during Science Inquiry
Alberto Bellocchi
6. Online and Face-to-Face Learning in Science: Learning Events and Transformation of Understanding
James P. Davis and Alberto Bellocchi
7. The Resolution of Frustration in Middle School Science Classes: The Role of the Classroom Teacher
Louisa Tomas, Donna King, Senka Henderson, Donna Rigano and Maryam Sandhu
8. “This Is Not a Sex-Education Class, This Is Biology!”: Students’ Regulation of Their Emotions in Science
Louisa Tomas and Donna Rigano
9. Cogenerative Dialogue and Classroom Emotional Climate: Engaging with Difficult Students
Jennifer L. Oakley
10. Managing Emotions: Outcomes of a Breathing Intervention in Year 10 Science
Donna King, Maryam Sandhu, Senka Henderson and Stephen M. Ritchie
11. Lived Experiences of Social Bonds in Science Classrooms
Alberto Bellocchi

The book contains cutting edge methodologies and methods that will be useful to researchers. The contextually rich events will have salience to the everyday practices of teachers and teacher educators.
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