The Rome Statute of the ICC at Its Twentieth Anniversary

Achievements and Perspectives


The Rome Statute of the ICC at its Twentieth Anniversary (Achievements and Perspectives) is an edited book comprising of 13 chapters written by contributors to a conference dedicated to discuss the development, achievements and possible future evolution of the Rome Statute and international criminal law. The authors include academics from various legal systems, practitioners from the ICC and the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, attorneys and other law experts.

The International Criminal Court is the first universal international criminal tribunal. Though quite new, as the Rome Statute was adopted 20 years ago (1998) and only 16 years have passed since its entry into force, it has already developed interesting case-law and continues to elaborate on both substantive and procedural international criminal law.

Contributors are Ivana Hrdličková, Claus Kreß, Tamás Lattmann, Jan Lhotský, Milan Lipovský, Iryna Marchuk, Josef Mrázek, Anna Richterová, Simon De Smet, Ondřej Svaček, Pavel Šturma, Kateřina Uhlířová, Kristýna Urbanová, Aloka Wanigasuriya.

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Pavel Šturma, DrSc. (1963), Charles University, Faculty of Law, in Prague, is Professor of Public International Law at that university. He is also member of the UN International Law Commission, and published monographs and many articles in the field of international law, including International Criminal Court and Prosecution of Crimes under International Law (Charles University Press, 2002).
On the Authors

Part 1: A Way to the Rome Statute and beyond

1 Ad Hoc Tribunals and Their Significance for Developing the Activities of the icc
Anna Richterová
2 The System of Operation of International Criminal Justice Fora, in Particular of the International Criminal Court – Will the Future be Governed by Politics, Orders or Law?
Tamás Lattmann
3 The Rome Statute of the icc and the Recent Works of the International Law Commission
Pavel Šturma

Part 2: Contribution of the icc to the Definition and Interpretation of International Crimes

4 On the Activation of icc Jurisdiction over the Crime of Aggression
Claus Kreß
5 International Criminal Court, War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity
Josef Mrázek
6 Contribution of the International Criminal Court to the Prosecution of Sexual and Gender-Based Crimes: Between Promise and Practice
Kateřina Uhlířová
7 Mental Element (mens rea) of the Crime of Aggression and Related Issues
Milan Lipovský

Part 3: Preliminary Examination and Investigation

8 Making the Wrong Enemies? The icc Prosecutor’s Dilemma When Targeting Powerful States at the Preliminary Examination Stage
Iryna Marchuk and Aloka Wanigasuriya
9 The International Criminal Court and Syria: The Absence of Jurisdiction and the Pressing Need for International Criminal Justice
Jan Lhotský
10 The Principle of Complementarity in Practice
Kristýna Urbanová
11 Al-Bashir and the icc – Tag, Hide-and-Seek … or Rather Blind Man’s Bluff?
Ondřej Svaček

Part 4: Trials

12 All Roads Lead to Rome – Lifting the Veil on the icc ’s Procedural Pluriformity
Simon De Smet
13 Experience from the Special Tribunal for Lebanon
Ivana Hrdličková

Legal practitioners and academics focusing on the field of international criminal law as well as anyone interested in international criminal justice and the Rome Statute of the ICC.
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