Quotations from Jewish scriptures play a crucial role in the Letter to the Romans.
The Rhetorical Functions of Scriptural Quotations in Romans explores their rhetorical functions in Paul’s argumentation. It offers a careful text-critical analysis of the 51 quotations in Romans, and asks questions such as: does Paul quote accurately according to a wording known to him or does he adapt it himself? Moreover, to what extent does Paul strive to preserve the sense that the quoted words have in their original context? Katja Kujanpää’s approach of combining rhetorical matters with close textual study results in a more comprehensive picture of quotations in Romans than has been previously seen. Thus, the book opens new perspectives on Paul’s argumentation, rhetoric and theological agenda.
Katja Kujanpää, Th.D. (2018, University of Helsinki), is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Helsinki, Finland. Her article "From Eloquence to Evading Responsibility: The Rhetorical Functions of Quotations in Paul’s Argumentation" was published in the
Journal of Biblical Literature (2017).
"K. legt eine umfangreiche und methodisch reflektierte Untersuchung vor (...) K.s Studie [bietet] eine hervorrangende Analyse der bisherigen Forschung sowie einen wertvollen überblick über die Zitate im Römerbrief und ihrer jeweiligen rhetorischen Funktion, so dass man sie bei der exegetischen Arbeit mit Gewinn heranziehen wird." - Christoph Stenschke, Bergneustadt/Pretoria, in:
Theologische Literaturzeitung 144 (2019) 11.
"The different angle on Paul’s use of scriptural quotation, presented in this book, makes it an indispensable addition to Pauline scholarship." - D. B., in:
Andrews University Seminary Studies 56, 2018
"This is a significant contribution to a very crowded debate" - Steve Moyise, in:
Journal for the Study of the New Testament 42:5, 2020
Introduction 1.1 Research Questions
1.2 State of Current Research
1.3 Approach and Methods
Righteous God, Sinful Humankind (3:1–20) 2.1 True God and Human Liar (3:4)
2.2 Under Sin, As It Is Written (3:10–18)
2.3 Conclusions
Abraham’s Children, Justified by Faith (4:1–25) 3.1 Reckoning and Not Reckoning (4:3, 7–8)
3.2 The Promise (4:17–18)
3.3 Conclusions
Sovereign to Elect (9:6–29) 4.1 Two Sets of Brothers (9:6–13)
4.2 Mercy and Might (9:14–18)
4.3 Potter and Clay (9:19–23)
4.4 The Called Ones (9:24–29)
4.5 Conclusions
The Mystery of Israel’s Unbelief (9:30–10:21) 5.1 The Stone Who Divides (9:30–33)
5.2 Competing Scriptural Rationales? (10:1–10)
5.3 The Lord of All (10:11–13)
5.4 Preconditions of Faith (10:14–18)
5.5 A Non-Nation and a Disobedient People (10:19–21)
5.6 Conclusions
Israel and Gentiles in a Divine Plan (11:1–36) 6.1 The Analogous Remnant (11:1–6)
6.2 From Blindness to Stumbling (11:8–10)
6.3 From Stumbling to the Mystery (11:11–24)
6.4 The Mystery Revealed (11:25–32)
6.5 The Concluding Doxology (11:33–36)
6.6 Conclusions
Jews and Gentiles Worshipping Together (14:1–15:21) 7.1 Judgement by the Living Lord (14:11)
7.2 Christ, an Example for the Community (15:3)
7.3 Gentiles Praising with Israel (15:9–12)
7.4 The Scriptural Foundation of Paul’s Mission (15:21)
7.5 Conclusions
Stand-Alone Quotations and Quotation Pairs 8.1 Connecting Righteousness and Faith (1:17)
8.2 Hypocrisy and Blasphemy (2:24)
8.3 The Tenth Commandment, Twice (7:7 and 13:9)
8.4 “As Sheep for Slaughter” (8:36)
8.5 Vengeance and Enemies (12:19–20)
8.6 Conclusions
Conclusions 9.1 Paul’s Use of Quotations Is Characterized by Diversity
9.2 Paul Actively Tries to Control the “Meaning” of Quotations
9.3 When Tracing Paul’s Intention, the Interpretive Hints He Offers Should Be Given Priority over the Original Literary Context of the Quotations
Bibliography Editions, Translations, and Reference Works
Other Literature
For all scholars and students interested in Romans, Paul’s use of scriptures, the rhetorical aspects of quotations, or the Septuagint in the New Testament.