Burial and Memorial in Late Antiquity

Volume 1: Thematic Perspectives


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Burial and Memorial explores funerary and commemorative archaeology, A.D. 284–650, across the late antique world. This first volume includes an overview of research, and papers exploring bioarchaeology, mortuary rituals, mausolea, and funerary landscapes. It considers the sacralisation of tombs, the movements of relics, and the political significance of cemeteries. The nature and fate of statue monuments is explored, as memorials to individuals. Authors also compare the destruction or preservation of tombs in relation to other buildings. Finally, the city itself is considered as a place of collective memory, where meanings were long maintained, via a study of spoliation.

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Luke Lavan, Ph.D (2001), is a Lecturer in Archaeology at the University of Kent. He is the series editor of Late Antique Archaeology, has directed excavation and survey at Ostia, and author of Public Space in the Late Antique City (2020).
Anyone interested in the funerary archaeology, memory, spolia, Christianisation, and history of late antique society.
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