The narrative style of the
Aeneid suggests immediacy and involves the reader, while at the same time both narrator and reader know what the outcomes of the story will be. In
‘Tenses in Vergil’s Aeneid: Narrative Style and Structure’, Suzanne Adema investigates the role of the Latin tenses in this presentational style. Adema presents a framework to analyze and describe the use of tenses in Latin narrative texts from a linguistic and narratological point of view. The framework concerns the temporal relations between a narrator and the states of affairs in his story on the sentence level, discourse modes on the global text level and narrative progression on the level of narrative and descriptive sequences.
Suzanne M. Adema is Assistant Professor at the University of Amsterdam. Her publications are characterized by a combined narratological and linguistic approach to Latin epic and historiography. She coordinates a research project on Greek and Latin Learning and Instruction.
"This is, in fact, the first comprehensive study of tense in the Aeneid. (...) Adema expertly brings together concepts from narratology and cognitive linguistics in an application to a text that is central to the Classical canon. The result is a volume that will surely become a work of reference for any scholar interested in arguing for a particular interpretation of tense not only in epic but also in other genres of Latin literature, as the framework established here would lend itself to many other inquiries. (...) The role of verb tense in creating a subtle and complex spatiotemporal fabric in Virgil’s epic is expertly handled in a dense volume that provides much food for thought." - Jessica McCutcheon, in:
The Classical Review (2020, 1-2) "With her excellent work Adema now provides the readers with a useful and effective tool to interpret the verbal system as one of the main narratological strategies of the Aeneid. [...] In short, this book should be considered not only as an important addition to the Virgilian bibliography, but also as a valid hermeneutical tool for anyone interested in a more profound understanding of the use of the tenses and their narratological effects in a Latin literary text." - Paolo Dainotti, in:
Gnomon 2/93/2021
"[The author] successfully, in my view, attains the aim which she really intends, that is, as the back cover says, “to analyze and describe the use of tenses in Latin narrative texts from a linguistic and narratological point of view.” In any case, Virgilian scholars will also undoubtedly benefit from reading and studying this book, and I recommend it to every commentator of any Latin narrative text." - Sergio Casali, in:
BMCR 2021.10.21
PrefaceList of Tables 1
Introduction 1
Tense in the Aeneid 2
Approach and Outline of This Book 2
Latin Tenses in Narrative Texts 1
Temporal Relation between Narrator and State of Affairs 2
Narrative Temporal Progression 3
Text Structure and Discourse Modes 4
The Sequence as a Unit, Methods of Analysis 5
Conclusions 3
Praesens 1
Semantic Value of the Present Tense 2
Pseudo-simultaneous Narrative 3
Description Mode 4
Report Mode 5
Information Mode 6
Conclusion 4
Perfectum 1
Semantic Value of the Perfect Tense 2
Narrative Mode 3
(Pseudosimultaneous Description 4
Report Mode 5
Information Mode 6
Conclusion 7
A Perfect Tense for Perfect Beings? 5
Imperfectum 1
Semantic Value of the Imperfect Tense 2
Narrative Mode 3
Description Mode 4
Information Mode 5
The Imperfect Subjunctive for Counterfactuals 6
Conclusion 6
Plusquamperfectum 1
Semantic Value of the Pluperfect Tense 2
Narrative Mode 3
Description 4
Information 5
The Pluperfect Subjunctive 6
Conclusion 7
Future Tenses 1
Base in Time of Narration: Narratorial Announcements and Hopes 2
Base in Time of a Character’s Narration: Great Expectations and Prophecies 3
Base in Reference Time: Displaced Immediacy 4
Conclusion 8
Historical Infinitive 1
Semantic Value of the Historical Infinitive 2
The Retrospective Narrative Mode 3
Pseudo-simultaneous Narrative 4
Pseudo-simultaneous Description 5
Conclusion 9
Tenses in the Narrative Style and Structure of the Aeneid 1
Narrative 2
Description Mode 3
Report Mode 4
Information Mode 5
Displaced Immediacy in the Aeneid 6
Latin Tenses as a Feature of Narrative Style and Structure BibliographyIndex RerumIndex Locorum
This book is intended for both linguists interested in Latin or tense usage in narrative texts and for scholars interested in Vergil’s narrative style and structure.