This rich and remarkable volume offers an overview of the most important schools, movements and trends which make up the theoretical landscape of contemporary international law, as well as the works of over 500 authors. It moves beyond generalization and examines how the relevant literature deals with the basic issues of the international legal system, such as international obligations, legitimacy, compliance, unity and universality, the rule of law, human rights, use of force and economics. It offers insights into the addressees (the state, international organizations, individuals and other private persons), and the construction of international law, including law-making, the relationship between norms, and interpretation. Moreover, it widens the discourse by addressing old, yet enduring, as well as new concerns about the functioning of the international legal system, and presents views of non-international lawyers and political scientists regarding that system. It is a valuable analysis for researchers, students, and practitioners.
Emmanuel Roucounas is honorary and emeritus Professor, Athens University; member and former President of the
Institut de droit international; member and former President of the Academy of Athens; Judge
ad hoc at the International Court of Justice (2009-2011) and member of the Greek Supreme Court of Article 100 of the Constitution (1992-1995). He is a member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration. A former member of the International Law Commission, of the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination (CERD) and of UNESCO's International Bioethics Committee. In the Council of Europe, he has been a member of the Steering Committee on Human Rights (CDDH) and a member of the “Group of Wise Persons” reporting on the effectiveness of the ECtHR. He was also a member of a Group of Experts of the EU on Central America. Roucounas has published twelve books and over 100 articles on General International Law, the Law of Treaties, the Law of the Sea, Self-Defence, Human Rights, Humanitarian Law, Bioethics, Diplomatic History, and European Unification.
«…a truly remarkable book, astonishing in its quality and the depth of scholarship. It is also wonderfully readable....The way the author has marshalled his ideas, and chosen such an original way to examine the underlying conceptual issues is exceptional. Everything is so original, and intellectually fresh. The author has read, and thought about everything, and everyone! And it is all so up to date…»
Dame Rosalyn Higgins, Professor of International Law, former President of the International Court of Justice.
"Todo este panorama que nos da la obra requiere unos profundos conocimientos del Derecho Internacional General, pero también de sus parcelas o ámbitos específicos, y en ambos casos el Profesor Roucounas es un auténtico maestro, pasando de una cuestión a otra con suma finura, sin perder nunca los ricos parámetros de un refinado internacionalista. Todo esto no le impide ser una persona que desborda honestidad y sencillez, lo que, tras nuestros más de treinta años de amistad con el Profesor Bermejo, y la mitad con la Profesora López-Jacoiste, solo nos cabe darle nuestras más sinceras felicitaciones por esta magnífica obra, estando seguros que a esta ORQUESTA acudirá mucho público."
Prof. Romualdo Bermejo García, Spanish Yearbook of International Law.
‘’…Livre extraordinaire qui résiste à toute classification; livre substantiel par son volume et par la densité intellectuelle de son contenu, qui requière une lecture lente, en petites doses, pour capter, comme dans la dégustation d’un bon vieux cognac, toute sa saveur et son essence... …La promenade s’avère être un voyage multiple autour du monde, ou plutôt de la planète droit international, dans un satellite qui change d’orbite à chaque rotation ; de sorte que le paysage change à chaque tour, bien qu’il s’agisse de la même planète. Emerge de ce balayage multidimensionnel un hologramme du droit international avec une figure et un dynamisme surprenants.
…Quel voyage fascinant. Mais pour éviter l’étourdissement, il faut aller doucement. C’est un livre très enrichissant, dense, complexe, à multiples visages. Une fois lu, il reste une référence, à laquelle je reviendrai souvent, pour situer une idée ou un auteur dans le paysage et par rapport aux autres. Et chaque fois qu’on le consulte (ce qui m’est arrivé une ou deux fois déjà), on déniche certains détails ou liens qu’on n’avait pas relevé à la lecture précédente…’’
Georges Abi Saab, 22 mai 2020, former ad hoc Judge of the International Court of Justice, former Judge of the Appeals Chamber of the ICTY and ICTR, former Commissioner of the United Nations Compensation Commission, and former Chairman of the Appellate Body of the World Trade Organization. honorary professor of international law (Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva). Professor Abi-Saab was awarded the 2017 Manley O. Hudson Medal of the American Society of International Law.
"Roukounas provides a dense, comprehensive analysis of the elements that influence theorizing about international law and the various schools, movements, and trends in theorizing. In tone and style, the analysis is geared to experts in the field, and the work will be less accessible to readers not well versed in international law. For example, Roukounas's discussion of critical international legal studies, like critical analysis itself, is too dense for many readers. However, discussion of essential elements of international law and discussion of regional and national traditions (Europe, US, Latin America, Africa, and Asia) may interest a wider audience. Similarly, his discussion of basic orientations, including liberalism, realism, pragmatism, and so on, and of newer approaches, such as constructivism and deconstruction, provide important insights that could be useful for undergraduates studying international relations theory. The chapter on the formation of norms in international law provides an important perspective applicable to researchers focusing on areas such as human rights, the use of force, and international economic exchange. -Christopher W. Herrick, Muhlenberg College
A Landscape of Contemporary Theories of International Law by Emmanuel Roucounas, which includes a separate author index, deserves to be read widely; preferably by those in the first blush of love with the subject while for others there is still the prospect of feeling young again and in love.
Choh-Ming Li Professor of Law, Chinese University of Hong Kong,
International and Comparative Law Quarterly (ICLQ) (Volume 70, Issue 3, July 2021).
Acknowledgments Abbreviations Preface: The Choir Group
Part 1 Essential Elements
Introduction 1.1 Theories about Theory 1.2 Theories of or about International Law
2 Thoughts on the Impact of Theory on International Law
3 Important Elements in the Making of Theory 3.1 Ideology 3.2 Polysemy of Terms and Concepts: The Role of Language 3.3 Limits and Limitations of Theory 3.4 History and Histories of International Law 3.5 Methodology and Methods 3.6 International and Domestic Law: Incorporation, Transformation, Coordination, Order of Execution, Adaptation, Approximation, Fusion, Direct Effect, and Resistance 3.6.1 Subsidiarity 3.6.2 Inter-judicial Dialogue 3.6.3 Legal Pluralism from the Viewpoint of the Relationship between International and Domestic Law 3.7 International Legal Theory and Technical and Scientific Expertise
4 Adumbrations of the Theoretical Adventure 4.1 Some Characteristics 4.2 Difficulties in the Assortment of Theorists in Schools and Movements
5 Traceability of Antecedents to Current Scholarship 5.1 Introduction 5.2 The Swing between the Two Mainstream Theories 5.3 Natural Law 5.4 Positivism(s) 5.5 Responses to Traditional Voluntarist Positivism 5.6 Normativism (a System Governed by Legal Norms) 5.7 Aspects of the Sociological Underpinnings of International Law 5.7.1 European Scholarship with “Sociological” Inspiration 5.7.2 American “Exceptionalism” 5.7.3 Singularities of the Soviet Doctrine (1922–1989)
6 Regional and National Traditions: Prolegomena to the Present (from the End of the Second World War to the 1970s) 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Overview of Theories after the Second World War 6.2.1 Europe 6.2.2 United States. Traditional, but also “What Seems Almost Evident [Is] the Difference between You and Me” 6.2.3 Latin America 6.2.4 Africa 6.2.5 Asia
7 Self-referential International Law and the Compelling Need to Also Listen to Others’ Voices
8 Concluding Remarks
Part 2 Enduring and New Schools, Movements and Trends
9 Introduction
10 Basic Orientations 10.1 The Liberal Agendas 10.2 The Positivist Stronghold 10.3 Renovated, Expressly Stated, Hidden or Inherited Naturalism 10.4 Realism 10.5 Idealism 10.6 Rationalism and Rationality 10.7 Pragmatism 10.8 Empiricism 10.9 Formalism
11 Other Approaches 11.1 Modernity, Modernism and Post-modernism 11.2 Policy-Oriented Theory, Perspective or Jurisprudence 11.3Structuralism and Post-structuralism 11.4 Constructivism 11.5 Deconstruction 11.6 Critical International Legal Studies 11.7 Third World Approaches to International Law (
) 11.8 The Feminist Presence 11.9 Functionalism and Institutionalism 11.9.1 Functionalism 11.9.2 Institutionalism in Its Double Sense 11.10 Instrumentalism 11.11 International Regime Theories
12 Universal, Plural, Relative 12.1 Legal Cosmopolitanism 12.2 Constitutionalism and the “Constitutionalization” of International Law 12.3 Legal Pluralism 12.4 Legal Relativism and Relativity 12.5 Role Splitting
13 Further Explorations 13.1 Law and Economics or Rational Choice Approaches to International Law 13.2 General Systems Theory (
) or Systemic Theory (ST) 13.3 A Place for Chaos Theory 13.4 Current Marxist, Neo-Marxist and Leninist Approaches 13.5 Moving in a “Middle Road”
14 Sociological Aspects of International Law Theories
15 Concluding Remarks
Part 3 Connecting More Writings to Theory
The International Legal System: Important Issues
16 Where is the International Community or Society? 16.1 Evolving Views
17 Ontological and Post-ontological Discourses 17.1 “International Law as Law” 17.2 Mature or Primitive Law 17.3 Discontent 17.4 Law and Crisis
18 General (or Grand) Theories of International Law and General International Law 18.1 In Search of a Current Specimen of General Theory 18.2 General International Law: The Parameters
19 Legal Basis of International Obligations
20 Legitimacy
21 Compliance
22 Unity and Universality 22.1 Unity 22.2 Universality
23 Fragmentation 23.1 Siblings of Fragmentation: Self-contained or Special Regimes 23.2 Cohesion of Special Regimes or Subsystems
24 The Issue of Jurisdiction and Competence
25 Fictions
26 Hegemonic Power and Unilateralism
27 The International Dimension of the Rule of Law
28 Normativity Forming an Integral Part of International Law 28.1 The Safe Port of Human Rights 28.2 Non-use and Use of Force 28.3 International Humanitarian Law (
) 28.4 The Economy: No More a Passing Silhouette
29 Concluding Remarks
Flashes about the Addressees, the Fabrication and Operation of International Law
The Addressees of International Law
30 The “Users” of International Law: Moving beyond Doctrinal Controversies on “Subjects”, “Non-state Actors” and “Participants”
31 The State 31.1 The Concept 31.2 Creation and Recognition 31.3 Sovereignty 31.4 International Legal Personality 31.5 Equality 31.6 Territory 31.7 State Immunity/Immunities 31.8 Responsibility 31.9 Liability 31.10 Self-determination 31.11 Secession 31.12 Succession 31.13 Statehood and “One Size Fits All” Approaches
32 International Organizations 32.1 Role and Legal Status 32.2 Responsibility and Accountability of International Organizations. A Story of Loopholes
33 “Individuals” and Other Private Persons 33.1 An Unfinished Symphony 33.2 Non-governmental Organizations (
?s) and the International Civil Society
Aspects of the Fabrication and Operation of International Law
34 Law-Making 34.1 Producers 34.2 Main Products and Modes of Fabrication 34.2.1 Customary International Law 34.2.2 Treaties 34.2.3 General Principles of Law
35 Expanding the Products and Modes of Fabrication 35.1 Soft Law 35.2 Standards 35.3 A Converging Category: Transnational Law
36 Relationship between Norms 36.1 Hierarchy of Norms 36.2 The Intertwined Duo of Jus Cogens and Obligations Erga Omnes 36.2.1 Jus Cogens 36.2.2 Obligations Erga Omnes 36.3 Successive, Parallel and Contradictory Commitments. The Issue of Transtextuality
37 Interpretation
38 Concluding Remarks
Widening the Discourse
39 Interrogations and Expectations 39.1 Progress and “Progressive Development” 39.2 Democracy 39.3 The Eternal Quest for Ethics and Morality 39.4 Fluctuations on Justice Stemming from International Law 39.5 Globalization 39.6 Governance and Global Administrative Law 39.7 International Law and Politics 39.8 International Environmental Law
40 A Skeleton Meeting of Minds 40.1 Attempts for a Dialogue between International Law and International Relations (IR) Theories 40.2 General Theories of Law and Political Science Touching on International Law 40.2.1 General Theories of Law 40.2.2 Other Doctrines Addressing Questions Related to International Law
41 Concluding Remarks
42 Final Conclusions: The Choristers’ Performances
Index of Authors Index of Subjects
All interested in public international law, in particular theory of international law and its currents trends.