Under the editorship of Ardi Imseis, Volume 20 of the Palestine Yearbook of International Law features reflections on international law, justice, and politics by Richard Falk and George Bisharat, as well as articles on: Palestinian refugees in South-East Asia, the ICC’s jurisdiction over the situation in Palestine, the ICC’s prosecution of Israeli settlements, self-determination in the post-colonial era, and settler-colonial and anti-colonial legalities in Palestine. The Yearbook is an unparalleled reference work of general international law, in particular as related to Palestine and the Palestinian people. The Yearbook regularly features English-language articles reviewing contemporary legal questions and translations of key legislation, court decisions, and academic material. It is intended for use by legal practitioners, government officials, researchers, scholars, and students. Published in cooperation with the Birzeit University Institute of Law, the Yearbook is a valuable resource for anyone seeking well-researched and timely information about Palestine and related legal issues. Contributors: Francesca Albanese, Uzay Aysev, Daniele Amoroso, Yassir Al-Khudayri, and Markus Gunneflo, Diana Buttu. Please click here for the online version including the abstracts of the articles of The Palestine Yearbook of International Law.