Knowledge Mobilization in TESOL

Connecting Research and Practice

Volume Editor:
Most debates about the so-called research-practice gap in TESOL have focused on a one-way transfer of research evidence from the context of origin to the context of application. Rather than continuing such debates, Knowledge Mobilization in TESOL: Connecting Research and Practice sheds light on what happens after research is transferred to contexts of practice such as the classroom. It explores whether or not, and under what circumstances, research can make contributions to teachers’ professional learning and development. By featuring English language teachers’ first-hand accounts of research utilization, the book highlights the complex processes of making research-based knowledge meaningful for pedagogical practice. It shows why the success of any knowledge mobilization project depends on sensitivity to context and teachers’ interpretive engagement with research-based recommendations.
Written in a lucid and accessible style, Knowledge Mobilization in TESOL: Connecting Research and Practice will appeal to a broad readership interested in research utilization in the field of education, especially in TESOL. It will be an informative text for pre-service and graduate courses in TESOL, ELT, applied linguistics, teacher education, and education policy studies. In-service teachers, teacher educators, program administrators, and funding agencies will also find it to be a valuable resource.

Contributors are: Chris Banister, Leigh Yohei Bennett, Xin Chen, Tiffany Johnson, Kendon Kurzer, Cynthia Macknish, Michael McLelland, Nashwa Donna M. Neary, Gina Paschalidou, Aysenur Sagdic, Nashaat Sobhy, Nguyen Thi Thuy Loan, Lorena Valmori, and Robert E. White.

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Chapter 1 Improving the Effectiveness of International Students’ Peer Review in an English Academic Writing Course
Chapter 2 Implementing Peer-Feedback in Paragraph-Writing Classes at a Thai University
Chapter 3 Revising Essays Collaboratively
Chapter 4 Dynamic Written Corrective Feedback in a Community College esl Writing Class Setting
Chapter 7 From Researchers to L2 Classrooms: Teaching Pragmatics through Collaborative Tasks
Chapter 8 From False Myths to Achievable Goals: Developing Language Learning Awareness in the L2 Classroom
Chapter 9 Reflecting on Academic Service-Learning Research in a University Intensive English Program
Chapter 10 “I Saw Wonderfull Things in There”: Reflection on an Art Museum Field Trip for High School English Language Learners
Chapter 11 Blending the Styles: Exploring Students’ Views on the Merging of the Creative with the Academic
Afterword Fostering Teacher Agency and Ideological Awareness
Anwar Ahmed, Ph.D. (2016), University of Toronto, teaches in the English Department of Glendon College at York University, Canada. His articles have appeared in many journals including  Teaching in Higher Education, Reflective Practice, and  Curriculum Inquiry.
“This thoughtful collection, featuring teacher research from Asia, Europe and North America, highlights the dialogical nature of research and practice. As the authors demonstrate, the so-called research-practice gap only exists for those—researchers or practitioners—who choose not to engage in either. The volume is an excellent reminder that it is practitioners and their professional agency that determine the impact of research on practice. Readers should not expect examples of how research can be blindly replicated in any classroom. Rather, they should look forward to reading multiple accounts of how teachers selected and interpreted research they thought could challenge and/or enhance their practice. By sharing their dialogical processes, authors invite readers to consider how they engage research in their own practice(s).” – Judy Sharkey, Associate Professor, University of New Hampshire
Introduction: Knowledge Mobilization in TESOL: Insights from the Classroom
Sardar Anwaruddin

1 Improving the Effectiveness of International Students’ Peer Review in an English Academic Writing Course
Xin Chen
2 Implementing Peer-Feedback in Paragraph-Writing Classes at a Thai University
Nguyen Thi Thuy Loan
3 Revising Essays Collaboratively
Gina Paschalidou
4 Dynamic Written Corrective Feedback in a Community College ESL Writing Class Setting
Kendon Kurzer
5 Bringing the Academic Vocabulary List into the Classroom: Student Lexical Investigations
Chris Banister
6 Operationalizing “Defining” from a Cognitive Discourse Perspective for Learners’ Use
Nashwa Nashaat Sobhy
7 From Researchers to L2 Classrooms: Teaching Pragmatics through Collaborative Tasks
Aysenur Sagdic
8 From False Myths to Achievable Goals: Developing Language Learning Awareness in the L2 Classroom
Lorena Valmori
9 "I Saw Wonderfull Things in There": Reflecting on Academic Service-Learning Research in a University Intensive English Program
Cynthia Macknish, Tiffany Johnson and Michael McLelladn
10 Reflection on an Art Museum Field Trip for High School English Language Learners
Donna M. Neary
11 Blending the Styles: Exploring Students’ Views on the Merging of the Creative with the Academic
Leigh Yohei Bennett

Afterword: Knowledge Mobilization in TESOL: Fostering Teacher Agency and Ideological Awareness
Brian Morgan
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