Der Band enthält die sechsundzwanzig besten Vorträge des Vierten Münsteraner Symposiums zu Jonathan Swift vom Juni 2000. Thematisch ist der Band in sieben Sektionen gegliedert: I. Theoretical Concerns W. B. Carnochan, Stanford University Swift: The Canon, the Curriculum, and the Marketplace of Scholarship Clive T. Probyn, Monash University, Victoria “Convict of lyes is every sign”: Jonathan Swift and the Everyday II. Biographical Problems Bruce Arnold, Dublin Jonathan Swift: Some Current Biographical Problems Nora F. Crow, Smith Colleg, Northampton, Massachusetts Swift in Love J. A. Downie, Goldsmiths’ College, University of London “The Coffee Hessy spilt” and Other Issues in Swift’s Biography João Fróes, São Paulo, Brazil Swift’s Life in Late 1743: An Unpublished Letter from Deane Swift III. Political, Philosophical, and Literary Issues Ian Higgins, The Australian National University, Canberra Jonathan Swift and the Jacobite Diaspora Arno Löffler, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität, Erlangen-Nürnberg „Of Mean ans Great Figures“: Swift an dGreatness Michael De Porte, University of New Hapshire, Durham Riddles, Mysteries, and Lies: Swift and Secrecy Brean S. Hammond, Univeristy of Notthingham Swift’s Reading Heinz J. Vienken, Gernsbach „Nobody has ever written a really good book about Jonathan Swift“: Scouring the Recesses of Swiftian Mind