Uberto Decembrio, Four Books on the Commonwealth - De re publica libri IV


Editor / Translator:
Uberto Decembrio’s Four Books on the Commonwealth (De re publica libri IV, ca. 1420), edited and translated by Paolo Ponzù Donato, is one of the earliest examples of the reception of Plato’s Republic in the fifteenth century. The humanistic dialogue provides an illuminating insight into such themes as justice, the best government, the morals of the prince and citizen, education, and religion. Decembrio’s dialogue is dedicated to Filippo Maria Visconti, duke of Milan, the ‘worst enemy’ of Florence. Making use of literary and documentary sources, Ponzù Donato convincingly proves that Decembrio’s thought, which shares many points with the Florentine humanist Leonardo Bruni, belongs to the same world of Civic Humanism.

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Paolo Ponzù Donato, Ph.D. (2016), University of Florence. He has published various essays on Italian Renaissance Humanism and the critical edition of the first vernacular translation of Caesar.
“This volume presents the student and scholar with an excellent text, translation, and critical apparatus.”
Teresa Rodríguez, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. In: Renaissance Quarterly, Vol. 75, No. 3 (Fall 2022), pp. 975–976.

Note on Indexes

 1 The Person: Uberto Decembrio
 2 The De re publica libri IV: Structure and Themes
 3 Uberto Decembrio’s ‘Civic Humanism’
 4 History of the Text
 5 Editorial Principles

De re publica libri IV / Four Books on the Commonwealth
Liber I / Book 1
Liber II / Book 2
Liber III / Book 3
Liber IV / Book 4

Glossarial Index
General Index
All interested in Renaissance Intellectual History, with regard on the reception of Plato’s Republic in the early 15th century, and anyone concerned with the concept of Civic Humanism. Keywords: Renaissance humanism, literature, civic humanism, classical republicanism, Plato, Cicero, Milan, 15th century
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