Jus Post Bellum, Jens Iverson provides the Just War foundations of the concept, reveals the function of
jus post bellum, and integrates the law that governs the transition from armed conflict to peace. This volume traces the history of
jus post bellum avant la lettre, tracing important writings on the transition to peace from Augustine, Aquinas, and Kant to more modern jurists and scholars. It explores definitional aspects of
jus post bellum, including current its relationship to sister terms and related fields. It also critically evaluates the current state and possibilities for future development of the law and normative principles that apply to the transition to peace. Peacebuilders, scholars, and diplomats will find this book a crucial resource.
Jens Iverson, Ph.D. (2017), is Assistant Professor of Law at Leiden. He has edited volumes and published many articles on
jus post bellum, including
Just Peace after conflict: Jus Post Bellum and the Justice of Peace (OUP 2020);
War Aims Matter, Jus Post Bellum: Environmental Protection and Transitions from Conflict to Peace (OUP 2017);
Jus Post Bellum and Foreign Investment; Jus Post Bellum: Mapping the Normative Foundations (OUP 2014);
Transitional Justice, and Jus Post Bellum and International Criminal Law.
Introduction AIntroducing the Theme of Jus Post Bellum
DResearch aims
EResearch questions
GConceptual framework
HAddressees of Jus Post Bellum
IExplanation of Structure
Part 1
1Past – The Deep Roots of Jus Post Bellum
BHistorical Development
1Augustine of Hippo (354-430)
2Institutes of Justinian (533)
3Raymond of Penafort (1175-1275) (Decretals of Gregory IX)
4Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274)
5Baldus de Ubaldis (1327-1400)
6Francisco de Vitoria (1492 – 1546)
7Francisco Suarez (1548-1617)
8Alberico Gentili (1552- 1608)
9Petrus Gudelinus (1550-1619)
10Hugo Grotius (1583-1645)
11Christian Wolff (1679-1754)
12Emer de Vattel (1714-1767)
13Immanuel Kant (1724-1804)
2Exploration of Sister Terms AJus In Bello
BJus Ad Bellum
CImport for Jus Post Bellum and the Trichotomy
3Three Approaches to Jus Post Bellum AIntroduction
BTemporal Approach
CFunctional Approach
DHybrid Approach
ELex Specialis and Lex Generalis
GHybrid Approach to Jus Post Bellum
4Present – An Exploration of Contemporary Usage AThe Existing Matrix of Definitions: A Review of Contemporary Scholarship
2Identifying the Definitional Dichotomy — Functional vs. Temporal
3Problems of the Dichotomy
5Empirical Analysis
BContrasting Jus Post Bellum and Transitional Justice
2The Grotian Tradition
3Basic Definitions
4Contrasting the Content of Transitional Justice and
Jus Post Bellum 5Temporal Contrast – the Dynamics
6Specific to Global Contrast
7Legal Contrast
8Historical Foundations
9Going Forward – Continuing the Grotian Tradition
5Empirical Analysis of the Literature AIntroduction
1Summary Findings
3Functional Definitions
4Temporal Definitions
195 Part 2
6Jus Post Bellum
in the context of International and Non-International Armed Conflict AIntroduction
BJus In Bello in IAC and NIAC
CJus Ad Bellum in IAC and NIAC
DJus Post Bellum in IAC and NIAC
2Prohibitions and Facilitations
3More Procedural Aspects
4Mixed Procedural and Substantive Aspects
5More Substantive Aspects
7Contemporary Legal Content of Jus Post Bellum
1Chapter Focus
2Responses to Critical Approaches to
Jus Post Bellum BProcedural Fairness and Peace Agreements
1Article 52 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties
2Other Considerations of procedural fairness
CThe Responsibility to Protect
DTerritorial Dispute Resolution
1Prohibition of Annexation
EConsequences of an Act of Aggression
FInternational Territorial Administration and Trusteeship
GThe Law Applicable in a Territory in Transition
1The Law of State Succession
2Human Rights Law and the Rights and Interests of Minorities
3The Laws of Occupation
HThe Scope of Individual Criminal Responsibility
IOdious Debt
JAlternative structuring of Jus Post Bellum
8Future? Rethinking Transformative Occupation and Democratization AIntroduction
BThe Interests of Groups in the Transition to Peace
CJus Post Bellum and Democratization
DThe Problem of Undemocratic Transitions to Peace
1The Natural Tendencies of Unguided Transitions to Peace to Favor the Powerful
2The Limitations of Public International Law and Traditional International Humanitarian Law
3The Limitations of Human Rights Law, Transitional Justice, and International Criminal Law
ETransformative Occupation and Democratic peace
1The Problem of Transformative Occupation
2Kant’s Concept of a Warlike Constitution
3Democratic Peace
4The Role of Protecting the Rights and Interests of Women in a Democracy
FArgument for Democratization in the Transition to Peace
GTransformative Occupation that Considers Group Interests and Participation Aiding the Transition to Peace
9Conclusions AKey Strengths
1Broad and Increasing Interest
BKey Weaknesses
1Lack of Consensus
2Difficulties of Integrating a Range of Sources
CKey Opportunities
1The Opportunity to Clarify a Range of Areas of Law and Practice
2The Opportunity to Contribute to the Establishment of Just and Enduring Peace
DKey Threats
1The Threat of Politicization
2The Threat of Discouraging Peace
EFinal Conclusion
Bibliography ALiterature
a.Table of Cases
b.Table of Treaties
c.UN Documents
d.Miscellaneous Sources
e.Online Sources
Scholars and practitioners of peacebuilding, transitional justice, humanitarian law, human rights and all those interested in improving transitions from armed conflict to peace will find this book an invaluable guide.