Zhipan’s Account of the History of Buddhism in China

Volume 1: Fozu tongji, juan 34-38: From the Times of the Buddha to the Nanbeichao Era

The Fozu tongji by Zhipan (ca. 1220-1275) is a key text of Chinese Buddhist historiography. In the present volume Thomas Jülch presents his translation of the first five juan of the massive annalistic part. Rich annotations clarify the backgrounds to the historiographic contents, presented by Zhipan in a highly essentialized style. For the historical traditions the sources Zhipan refers to are meticulously identified. In those cases where the accounts presented are inaccurate or imprecise, Jülch points out how the relevant matter is depicted in the sources Zhipan relies on. With this carefully annotated translation of Fozu tongji, juan 34-38, Thomas Jülch enables an indepth understanding of a key text of Chinese Buddhist historiography.

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Thomas Jülch, Ph.D. 2011, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, is research fellow at Ghent University. He has widely published in the field of medieval Chinese Buddhism and Daoism. His main work is: Bodhisattva der Apologetik: die Mission des buddhistischen Tang-Mönchs Falin (Munich: Utz, 2014), 3 vols.
Foreword Acknowledgements
Preliminary Remarks


Fayun tongsai zhi, juan 1
Fayun tongsai zhi, juan 2Supplements for Fayun tongsai zhi, juan 1 and 2
Fayun tongsai zhi, juan 3Supplements for Fayun tongsai zhi, juan 3
Fayun tongsai zhi, juan 4
Fayun tongsai zhi, juan 5
Glossary of Sanskrit and Pāli Terms Bibliography Index
All interested in medieval Chinese Buddhism, or sinologists with a wider interest, as Zhipan’s historiography also refers to Daoism and Confucianism.
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