Maurice Blanchot and Psychoanalysis


This work offers an exploration and critique of Blanchot’s various engagements with psychoanalysis, from the early 1950s onward. Kuzma highlights the political contours of Blanchot’s writings on Freud, Lacan, Leclaire, Winnicott, and others, ultimately suggesting a link between these writings and Blanchot’s broader attempts at rethinking the nature of human relationality, responsibility, and community. This book makes a substantive contribution to our understanding of the political and philosophical dimensions of Blanchot’s writings on madness, narcissism, and trauma, among other topics of critical and clinical relevance. Maurice Blanchot and Psychoanalysis comprises an indispensable text for anyone interested in tracing the history of psychoanalysis in post-War France.

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Joseph D. Kuzma, Ph.D. is an Instructor of Philosophy at the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs. He is the author of The Eroticization of Distance: Nietzsche, Blanchot, and the Legacy of Courtly Love (Lexington, 2016).
Introduction: Against Interiority
1 The Possibility of a Conversation
2 Politics of Refusal
3 The Streets
4 Communism without Communism
5 A Silent and Perpetual Hoax
6 Overview

1 Freud, Lacan, and the Neuter
1 Thirteen Years
2 Va-et-vient
3 Dialectics for Magic
4 The Movement of Another Speech
5 Freud and the Neutral Turn
6 The Road to Rome
7 The Threat of Medical Formalization
8 Speaking, Again
9 A Perilous Endeavor
10 Desire Recognized
11 A Dialectic That Challenges Dialectic?
12 A Psychoanalysis without Psychoanalysis

2 On Madness
1 Hiding Is Forbidden
2 The Clinical Context
3 Madness – Lack or Surplus?
4 Jaspers and the Unverständlich
5 Compulsory Ruination
6 Against Blanchot
7 Beyond the Critical and the Clinical?
8 A Murmuring Emptiness
9 Internalizing the Outside
10 “A Word Perpetually at Odds with Itself”
11 The Prolepsis of Return
12 Every Name in History
13 Writing the Rupture


3 Anti-Narcissus
1 The Provocation
2 Every Poet Is Narcissus
3 Anti-Narcissus: or, What Ovid Forgot
4 Primary Narcissism and the Recuperation of Otherness
5 A Return to the Zero-Point
6 Narcissism, Nationalism
7 Turning toward Disaster

4 Primal Scenes
1 The Window of Mértola
2 Frames inside Frames
3 A Source of the Nile
4 “The Most Delicate Question”
5 Indefinite Anteriority
6 “I Died … There Had Been Rehearsals”
7 A Child Is Being Killed
8 Death Drives?
9 Return to the Window

5 The Trauma of Responsibility
1 Rethinking Responsibility
2 The Alien inside My Body
3 Subissement
4 The Invasive Other
5 Le Moi sans Moi
6 The Crypt
7  Nachträglichkeit: a Short History of a Translation
8 Blanchot and the Après-coup
9 Mothering and the Asymmetries of Responsibility

6 Maternal Rhythms
1 Blanchot’s Mother
2 Negative Hallucination
3 The Real, the Outside
4  Chora and Rhythm
5 The Danger of Rhythm’s Enigma
6 Double Dissymmetry
7 Conclusion: the Impossibility of Narcissism?

Works Cited
All interested in 20th century French philosophy and critical theory, especially those interested in the reception of psychoanalytic theory in France, and the political contours of this reception.
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