In this work, Belliotti unravels the paradoxes of human existence. The purpose of this philosophical journey is to reveal paths for forging meaningful, significant, valuable, even important lives. By examining notions of The Absurd expressed within
Search for the Holy Grail,
The Seventh Seal, and
The Big Lebowski, the author crafts a working definition of “absurdity.” He then investigates the contributions of classical thinkers such as Shakespeare, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, Tolstoy, Sartre, Camus, as well as philosophers such as Nagel, Feinberg, and Taylor. After arguing that human life is not inherently absurd, Belliotti examines the implications of mortality for human existence, the relationship between subjective and objective meaning, and the persuasiveness of several challenging contemporary renderings of meaningful human lives.
Raymond Angelo Belliotti is SUNY Distinguished Teaching Professor of Philosophy Emeritus. He is the author of 20 books, including
Justifying Law;
Good Sex;
What is the Meaning of Human Life?;
Happiness is Overrated;
Shakespeare and Philosophy;
Dante’s Deadly Sins; and
Machiavelli’s Secret.
Preface Acknowledgements
Defining the Absurd 1 Absurdity Within Classical Cinema
Search for the Holy Grail (1975)
The Seventh Seal (1957)
The Big Lebowski (1998)
2 Absurdity in Human Life
3 Feinberg’s Analysis of Absurdity
4 A Working Definition of Absurdity
Relational Absurdity 1 Tolstoy’s Psychological Collapse and Redemption
2 Camus and the Absurd
A Stoic Precursor: Marcus Aurelius 2.2
Sisyphus the Defiant Hero 2.3
Sisyphus as Prince of Propinquity 2.4
Has Camus Demonstrated that Human Life is Absurd? 3 Kierkegaard, Religion, and the Absurd
4 Sartre and the Absurd
Defining Who We Are 4.2
Are We Free? 4.3
Emotions 4.4
Has Sartre Demonstrated that Human Life is Absurd? 5 The Relationship between the Absurd and the Meaningful
6 The Contingent Nature of Absurdity
Internal Absurdity 1 Shakespeare and the Absurd
2 The Cosmic Perspective and the Personal Perspective
3 Schopenhauer’s Derivation of Absurdity from the Nature of Desire
4 Nietzsche: Will to Power and Process Values
Nihilism and Will to Power 4.2
Grand Strivers and Pogo Sticks 4.3
Suffering, Happiness, and Power 4.4
Denying Pessimism, Striving Grandly, and Lingering Doubts 5 Nagel and the Absurd Within
The Absurd as an Objective Condition and as a Subjective Experience 5.2
Is Nagel’s Absurd an Inevitable Part of the Human Condition? 5.3
Everyday Absurdity and the Absurdity of an Entire Human Life 5.4
What is the Proper Human Response to the Absurd? 6 Combatting the Absurd
Process and Inherent Values 6.2
Can We Turn “Absurdity” into Practical Advantage? 7 The Contingency of Absurdity
Taylor’s Romance with Meaningful Living 1 Taylor and the Absurd
“The Meaning of Life” (1970) 1.2
“The Meaning of Human Existence” (1981) 1.3
“Time and Life’s Meaning” (1987) 1.4
“The Meaning of Life” (1999) 2 Reconstructing Taylor on Meaning in Life
3 The Cosmic and Personal Perspectives, Again
Interpreting a Meaningful Human Life 1 Full and Attenuated Meaning
2 The Fundamentality Theory
The Intuitions in Play 2.2
Reason and Meaning 2.3
Posthumous Significance and Meaning in Life 2.4
Purposive Theories of Meaning 3 Why a Positive Visceral Response is Necessary for Meaning in Life
4 Subjective Attraction Meets Objective Value
5 An Analysis of a Minimally Meaningful Human Life
Bibliography About the Author Index
This interdisciplinary work will attract philosophers, psychologists, and literary thinkers engaged in existentialist research; those interested in the concept of absurdity; those concerned with meaning in life, as well as intelligent lay readers.