Artes Apodemicae and Early Modern Travel Culture, 1550–1700


This volume explores the early modern manuals on travelling ( Artes apodemicae), a new genre of advice literature that originated in the sixteenth century, when it became communis opinio among intellectuals that travelling was an important means of acquiring knowledge and experience, and that an extended tour abroad was a vital, if not indispensable part of humanist, academic and political education. In this volume, the formation of this new genre, between 1550 and 1700, is studied in its historical, social and cultural context. Furthermore, the volume examines the impact of this new genre on the acquisition and collection of knowledge in the early modern period, empirical or otherwise.

Contributors: Justin Stagl, Karl Enenkel, Jan Papy, Thomas Haye, Robert Seidel, Gabor Gelléri, Bernd Roling, Harald Hendrix, Jan L. de Jong, Kerstin Maria Pahl, Johanna Luggin, Marc Laureys, and Justina Spencer.

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Karl A.E. Enenkel is Professor of Medieval Latin and Neo-Latin at the University of Münster. Previously he was Professor of Neo-Latin at the University of Leiden. He has published widely on international Humanism, early modern culture, paratexts, literary genres 1300-1600, Neo-Latin emblems, word and image relationships, and the history of scholarship and science.
Jan L. de Jong, Ph. D (1987), Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, is Senior Lecturer, Art History of the Early Modern Period. He has published extensively on Italian Renaissance Art, including The Power and the Glorification: Papal Pretensions and the Art of Propaganda in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries (University Park, PA (Penn State University Press), 2013).
List of Illustrations
Notes on the Editors
Notes on the Contributors

Introduction: Artes Apodemicae and Early Modern Travel Culture, 1550–1700
Karl Enenkel and Jan L. de Jong

PART 1: Manuals and Theoretical Reflections on the Art of Travelling

1 Ars apodemica and Socio-Cultural Research
Justin Stagl

2 Loysius’s Pervigilium Mercurii and Other Early Latin Artes Apodemicae: the Constitution of a Genre through Intertextuality
Karl Enenkel

3 Lorenz Gryll (d. 1560): a Traveller in the Service of Medical Training
Thomas Haye

4 Justus Lipsius on Travelling to Italy: From a Humanist Letter-Essay to an Oration and a Political Guidebook
Jan Papy

5 Debating the Use of Academic Travel: Early Modern Disputations De arte peregrinandi
Robert Seidel

6 Handbooks for the Courtier and Handbooks for the Traveller: Intersections of Two Forms of Early Modern Advice Literature
Gábor Gelléri

7 Through Canada with Linnaeus: the Swedish-Finnish Traveller to America Pehr Kalm and His Use of the Ars apodemica of Carl Linnaeus
Bernd Roling

Part 2: Early Modern Traveller’s Guides

8 Joint Adventures: Company and Companions in Seventeenth-Century English Travelling Culture
Kerstin Maria Pahl

9 The Rise of a Proto-Tourist Infrastructure in Late Sixteenth-Century Rome and Naples
Harald Hendrix

10 Reading instead of Travelling: Nathan Chytraeus’s Variorum in Europa itinerum deliciae
Jan L. de Jong

11 Thomas Hobbes’ Journey Poem De mirabilibus Pecci (1627): a Travel Guide for Early English Domestic Tourism
Johanna Luggin

Part 3: The Art of Travelling to the Ottoman Empire

12 Classical Tradition and Contemporary Experience in Hugo Favolius’s Hodoeporicon Byzantinum (1563)
Marc Laureys

13 Habits and Habillement in Seventeenth-Century Voyages: Georges de La Chappelle’s Recueil des divers portraits des principals dames de la Porte du Grand Turc
Justina Spencer

Index Nominum
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