This volume offers a sample of the many ways that medieval Franciscans wrote, represented in art, and preached about the ‘model of models’ of the medieval religious experience, the Virgin Mary. This is an extremely valuable collection of essays that highlight the significant role the Franciscans played in developing Mariology in the Middle Ages. Beginning with Francis, Clare, and Anthony, a number of significant theologians, spiritual writers, preachers, and artists are presented in their attempt to capture the significance and meaning of the Virgin Mary in the context of the late Middle Ages within the Franciscan movement.
Contributors are Luciano Bertazzo, Michael W. Blastic, Rachel Fulton Brown, Leah Marie Buturain, Marzia Ceschia, Holly Flora, Alessia Francone, J. Isaac Goff, Darrelyn Gunzburg, Mary Beth Ingham, Christiaan Kappes, Steven J. McMichael, Pacelli Millane, Kimberly Rivers, Filippo Sedda, and Christopher J. Shorrock.
Steven J. McMichael, O.F.M. Conv., is a Conventual Franciscan friar of Our Lady of Consolation Province (USA). He is an associate professor of theology at the University of Saint Thomas (Saint Paul, MN). He has worked on polemical literature of the Late Middle Ages and currently researches and writes on medieval preaching and theology on the resurrection. His most recent publication is The Glory of Paradise: Risen Life in the Easter Octave Sermons of Bernadino da Siena (2016).
Katherine Wrisley Shelby holds a Ph.D. in Historical Theology from Boston College, where she wrote her dissertation on the topic of St. Bonaventure’s theology of grace and currently teaches courses in Philosophy and Theology to undergraduates. She is the coeditor of Bonaventure Revisited: Companion to the Breviloquium (2017) and Preaching and New Worlds: Sermons as Mirrors of Realms Near and Far (2018), and she has published several articles on Franciscan theology.
"Si può dire che questo volume rappresenta una buona raccolta che segnala la documentazione critica su alcuni autori francescani medioevali che trattano della Vergine maria. Ciò è corredato da una estesa bibliografia (441-53) utile per una visione generale delle diverse produzioni letterarie in ambito francescano e non solo". Stefano Cecchin, in Archivum Franciscanum Historicum, June 2020.
List of Figures
Notes on Contributors
Part 1: The Foundations of Franciscan Marian Reflection: Francis, Clare, and Anthony
1 The Virgin Mary in the Writings of Francis and Clare of Assisi
Michael W. Blastic
2 Maria Oliva Benedicta: A Reflection on the Mariology of Anthony of Padua/Lisbon
Luciano Bertazzo
Part 2: The Virgin Mary in Medieval Franciscan Theology
3 Mulier Amicta Sole: Bonaventure’s Preaching on the Marian Mode of the Incarnation and Marian Mediation in His Sermons on the Annunciation
J. Isaac Goff
4 The Mariology of Conrad of Saxony (d. 1279) as Presented in His Speculum Beatae Maria Virginis Christopher Shorrock
5 Mary and the Body of God: Servasanctus of Faenza and the Psalter of Creation
Rachel Fulton Brown
6 Marian Devotion in Saint Angela of Foligno (1248–1309), Tertiary and Franciscan Mystic
Marzia Ceschia
7 ‘Fired France for Mary without Spot’: John Duns Scotus and the Immaculate Conception
Mary Beth Ingham
8 Francis of Meyronnes and the Immaculate Conception
Christiaan Kappes
Part 3: The Virgin Mary in Medieval Vita Christi Tradition
9 ‘Beholding’ the Virgin Mary in Imitatio Mariae: Meditationes vitae Christi’s Spiritual Exercises for Sacramental Seeing of the Annunciation
Leah Marie Buturain
10 A Medieval Franciscan Meditation on the Mother of Jesus
Pacelli Millane, OSC
Part 4: The Virgin Mary in Medieval Art
11 Cimabue’s Santa Maria degli Angeli at Assisi
Holly Flora
12 Reflecting on Mary: The Splendor of the Madonna in the Lower Church of Assisi
Darrelyn Gunzburg
Part 5: The Virgin Mary in Medieval Franciscan Preaching
13 The Virgin Mary in Latin and German Sermons of Berthold of Regensburg
Alessia Francone
14 The Virgin Mary is Taken to the Throne of God: The Assumption of Mary in the Sermons of Bernardino da Siena
Steven J. McMichael
15 The Book, the Song, and the Letter: Preaching Mary in Two Sermons by the Franciscan Johannes Sintram (d. 1450)
Kimberly Rivers
16 John of Capistrano and the Virgin Mary: Preliminary Research on the Marian Sermons
Filippo Sedda
All interested in medieval Franciscan Studies, Mariology, Medieval Art, Medieval Preaching, and Medieval Theology.