Grammar of Duhumbi (Chugpa)


With Grammar of Duhumbi (Chugpa), Timotheus Adrianus (Tim) Bodt provides the first comprehensive description of any of the Western Kho-Bwa languages, a sub-group of eight linguistic varieties of the Kho-Bwa cluster (Tibeto-Burman).
Duhumbi is spoken by 600 people in the Chug valley in West Kameng district, Arunachal Pradesh, India. The Duhumbi people, known to the outside world as Chugpa or Chug Monpa, belong to the Monpa Scheduled Tribe. Despite that affiliation, Duhumbi is not intelligible to speakers of any of the other Monpa languages except Khispi (Lishpa).
The volume Grammar of Duhumbi (Chugpa) describes all aspects of the language, including phonology, morphology, lexicon, syntax and discourse. Moreover, it also contains links to additional resources freely accessible on-line.

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Timotheus Adrianus Bodt, Ph.D. (2017), University of Bern, is currently affiliated as associate researcher (postdoc) to the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. He has published two monographs and several journal articles focusing on the linguistic, ethnographic and historical background of the Tibet-Bhutan-India borderlands.
Preface Acknowledgements List of tables List of Glosses, conventions and symbols
1 The Duhumbi and their language  1.1  Geographical setting  1.2  Geopolitical setting  1.3  Autonyms, exonyms and population  1.4  Origin and settlement  1.5  Livelihood, culture and religion  1.6  Duhumbi ngak  1.7  The data and corpus
2 Phonology and orthography  2.1  Transcription systems and orthographies  2.2  Non-native and marginal phonemes and allophones  2.3  The vowel system  2.4  The consonant system  2.5  Syllable structure and phonotactics  2.6  Prosodic features of Duhumbi  2.7  Two-way contrast on plosives and affricates
3 Parts of speech  3.1  Nominal versus verbal parts of speech  3.2  Pronouns  3.3  Nouns  3.4  Proper nouns  3.5  Adjectives  3.6  Demonstratives  3.7  Numerals  3.8  Postpositions  3.9  Adverbs  3.10  Expressives  3.11  Interrogatives  3.12  Verbal parts of speech  3.13  Other parts of speech
4 Lexical aspects  4.1  Nouns  4.2  Proper nouns  4.3  Adjectives  4.4  Adverbs  4.5  Expressives  4.6  Numerals  4.7  Lexical registers  4.8  Complex predicates  4.9  Particular verbs  4.10  Interjections  4.11  The borrowed lexicon
5 Nominalisations  5.1  Pure derivational nominalisers  5.2  Nominaliser -ba nom  5.3  Nominaliser -baʔ inf
6 The noun phrase  6.1  Constituent order in noun phrases  6.2  Grammatical relations and case markers  6.3  Other nominal suffixes  6.4  Intensity  6.5  Use of adjectives  6.6  Use of demonstratives  6.7  Use of the numeral hin ‘one’  6.8  Use of the postposition naŋ- ‘in’  6.9  Use of interrogatives
7 Verbal morphology  7.1  Imperfective -da ipfv  7.2  Past tenses  7.3  Non-past tenses  7.4  Summary of verbal morphology
8 Non-verbal predicates  8.1  Verb and copula-less clauses  8.2  Copula beʔ cop.ex  8.3  Copula le cop.le  8.4  Copula giʨʰa cop.eq  8.5  Copula ɕi  8.6  Copula in possessive relations  8.7  Copular verb ʥu- ‘be’  8.8  Negative copular verbs and copula balaŋ  8.9  Limited conjugational flexibility of copular verbs
9 Serial verb constructions  9.1  Types of SVC  9.2  SVCs in various contexts  9.3  SVCs and prosody  9.4  Modifying verbs  9.5  Symmetrical SVCs  9.6  Asymmetrical SVCs  9.7  SVCs in a historical-comparative perspective
10 Non-declarative clause types  10.1  Interrogatives  10.2  Question markers  10.3  Formation of questions  10.4  Question sub-types  10.5  Moods
11 Complex sentences  11.1  Imperfective phrases and clauses  11.2  Subordination with -ba nom and -baʔ inf  11.3  Subordination with -tʰaŋ lcn  11.4  Other cotemporal subordinators  11.5  Conditional with -se cond  11.6  Copular causal subordination  11.7  Conjunctions  11.8  Modifying suffixes and clitics
12 Discourse structure  12.1  Discourse structuring  12.2  Discourse particles  12.3  Topic, focus and emphasis
13 Texts  13.1  Duhumbi text genres  13.2  Metadata of texts  13.3  Metadata of speakers  13.4  Descriptions of all texts  13.5  Zenodo DOIs of texts  13.6  Elicitation files  13.7  Text: NNK; CHUK260413A2A  13.8  Text LGT; CHUK300412J2  13.9  Text: LEL; CHUKx13A6  13.10  Text: DTPK; CHUK131014
References Index Figures
Linguists, ethnographers, anthropologists interested in Tibeto-Burman (Sino-Tibetan, Trans-Himalayan) languages, in particular undocumented, endangered languages of the Eastern Himalayan region and the people that speak them.
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