Mahāmudrā in India and Tibet presents cutting-edge research by European and North American scholars on the Indian origins and Tibetan interpretations of one of the most popular and influential of all Tibetan meditation traditions, Mahāmudrā, or the great seal. The contributions shed fresh light on important areas of Mahāmudrā studies, exploring the Great Seal’s place in the Mahāyāna
Samādhirājasūtra, the Indian tantric Seven Siddhi Texts, Dunhuang Yogatantra texts, Mar pa’s Rngog lineage, and the
Dgongs gcig literature of the ’Bri gung, as well as in the works of Yu mo Mi bskyod rdo rje, the Fourth Zhwa dmar pa Chos grags ye shes, the Eighth Karma pa Mi-bskyod rdo rje, and various Dge lugs masters of the 17th–18th centuries.
Contributors are: Jacob Dalton, Martina Draszczyk, Cecile Ducher, David Higgins, Roger R. Jackson, Casey Kemp, Adam Krug, Klaus-Dieter Mathes, Jan-Ulrich Sobisch, and Paul Thomas.
Roger R. Jackson, Ph.D. (1983), University of Wisconsin-Madison, is John W. Nason Professor of Asian Studies and Religion, Emeritus, at Carleton College, Northfield, Minnesota. He has published widely on various topics in Indic and Tibetan Buddhism. His publications include
Tantric Treasures (Oxford, 2004),
Mahāmudrā and the Bka’ brgyud Tradition (IITBS, 2011),
Mind Seeing Mind (Wisdom, 2019).
Klaus-Dieter Mathes, Ph.D. (1994), Marburg University, is University Professor and Head of the Department of South Asian, Tibetan and Buddhist Studies at the University of Vienna. His publications include
A Direct Path to the Buddha Within (Wisdom, 2008) and
A Fine Blend of Mahāmudrā and Madhyamaka (Austrian Academy of Sciences Press, 2015).
Notes on Contributors
Introduction Klaus-Dieter Mathes and Roger Jackson
The Samādhirājasūtra and “Sūtra Mahāmudrā”: A Critical Edition and Translation of Verses 1–118 from Chapter 32 of the Samādhirājasūtra Paul Thomas
The Seven Siddhi Texts (Grub pa sde bdun): Remarks on the Corpus and Its Employment in Sa skya-Bka’ brgyud Mahāmudrā Polemical Literature Adam C. Krug
Mahāmudrā and Samayamudrā in the Dunhuang Documents and Beyond Jacob P. Dalton
A Neglected Bka’ brgyud Lineage: the Rngog from Gzhung and the Rngog pa Bka’ brgyud Transmission Cécile Ducher
’Jig rten gsum mgon’s Dgongs gcig on the Relation between Mahāmudrā and the Six Yogas of Nāropa Jan-Ulrich Sobisch
The Definitive Meaning of Mahāmudrā according to the Kālacakra Tradition of Yu mo Mi bskyod rdo rje’s Phyag chen gsal sgron Casey A. Kemp
Mahāmudrā as Revelatory of the Key-Point of the Third Dharmacakra according to the Sixty Verses on Mahāmudrā by Zhwa dmar Chos grags ye shes Martina Draszczyk
Mi bskyod rdo rje on the Question of What Remains (lhag ma, avaśiṣṭa) David Higgins
Maitrīpa’s Amanasikāra-Based Mahāmudrā in the Works of the Eighth Karma pa Mi bskyod rdo rje Klaus-Dieter Mathes
Assimilating the Great Seal: the Dge lugs pa-ization of the dge ldan bka ’brgyud Tradition of Mahāmudrā Roger R. Jackson
Scholars involved in historical and philosophical studies of later Indian Buddhism and its reception by Tibetan thinkers; also, anyone engaged in Mahāmudrā meditation and interested in the issues it raises.