This atlas is based on large-scale fieldwork conducted in Galilee in the mid-nineties of last century. Galilee is the area with the highest percentage of arabophones in Israel and displays a rather complex dialectal situation. The reshuffling of large parts of the population after 1948 led to a considerable degree of dialectal diversity in many places. Moreover, many points of investigation show, besides the notorious Bedouin-sedentary dichotomy, a significant sociolinguistic variation with respect to age, sex, and denomination.The atlas contains seventy-three phonetic and phonologial maps, in addition to eighty morphological and thirty-eight lexical maps.Ten maps deal with the classification of the dialects.The atlas is of interest to semitists, dialectologists and variationists.
Peter Behnstedt, Ph.D. (1973) University of Tübingen, Dr. habil. (1997) University of Hamburg, has published atlases, monographs and articles of Arabic dialects of Egypt, Syria, Yemen, Tunisia, Sudan and Morocco.
Aharon Geva-Kleinberger, Ph.D. (2000) Erlangen-Nürnberg University, is Professor of Arabic and Semitic Languages at the University of Haifa, Israel. He has published many articles in these fields including several books on Palestinian dialects.
"Es ist ihr unschätzbares Verdienst, dass sie diesen mit unendlichen Mühen gesammelten Schatz an dialektologischem Material gehoben und für die Nachwelt systematisiert und bewahrt haben. Dafür gebührt ihnen Anerkennung, Respekt und Dank. Es erfüllt darüber hinaus den Rezensenten mit großer Freude, dass sie dieses Werk dem Vermächtnis von Rafi Talmon hinzufügen konnten." Ulrich Seeger in Wiener Zeitschrift Für Die Kunde Des Morgenlandes 111 (2021)
Preface General Introduction
The Questionnaires
Representation of Data on the Maps and Commentaries
Former Research in the Area
Abbreviations Index of Arabic-speaking Localities in the Area, Information about Them and Data Collected There 000 General Map of the Area 001 Denominations 002 Bedouin Tribes of the Area
Linguistic Maps and Commentaries
I. Phonology
1 Vowels
1.1 Short Vowels
1.2 Long Vowels and Diphthongs
1.3 Consonants
1.4 Conclusion Consonantism
II. Morphology
2 Pronouns and Pronominal Suffixes
2.1 Independent Personal Pronouns
2.2 Pronominal Suffixes
2.3 Relative Pronoun
2.4 Demonstrative Pronouns
2.5 Demonstrative Adverbs and Presentatives
2.6 Other Adverbs
2.7 Interrogatives
2.8 Prepositions, Conjunctions
2.9 Numerals
2.10 Existential Particle
2.11 Nominal Forms
2.12 Genitive Exponent
2.13 The Verb
III. Lexicon
3 Nouns
3.1 Body Parts
3.2 Animals
3.3 Fruit and Vegetables
3.4 Various
3.5 Adjectives
3.6 Verbs
4 Isoglosses and Dialect Groups
4.1 Salient phonological isoglosses sedentary dialects
4.2 Salient morphological isoglosses sedentary dialects
4.3 Salient lexical isoglosses sedentary dialects
4.4 The Sedentary Dialect Groups
4.5 The Bedouin Dialect Groups
4.6 Dialectometrical Approach to the Dialects of the Area: Identity Tests
Appendices Bibliography General Index
All interested in Arabic dialectology, especially Palestinian Dialects from a multidisciplinary point of view.