Valentinianism: New Studies


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Christoph Markschies, Dr. theol. habil. (Tübingen 1991, 1994), Dr. theol. h.c. mult. (Sibiu/Hermannstadt, Oslo, Lateran University Rome) is Professor for Ancient Christianity in Berlin, vice-president of the Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften and member of numerous scholarly academies in Germany and abroad. His latest publications include Christian Theology and Its Institutions in the Early Roman Empire (Waco, Tex., 2015) und Gottes Körper: Jüdische, christliche und pagane Gottesvorstellungen in der Antike (Munich, 2016). Einar Thomassen, PhD (1982), University of St Andrews, is Professor of Religion at the University of Bergen. He has published monographs, editions, translations and many articles on Valentinianism and the history of religions generally, including The Spiritual Seed (Brill, 2006).
"Mature reflections of the current state of research into Valentinianism [...] by the leading scholars in the field [...] constitute a reliable and contemporary understanding of the movement [...] A rich and stimulating volume. Each essay contains a wealth of important insights that create a deeper understanding of Valentinianism in its totality. These is no doubt that the essays here will act as a trigger for further research." – Paul Foster, University of Edinburgh, in: The Expository Times 131(9) June 2020

“Wer sich mit Valentinianismus beschäftigt, wird an diesem Buch nicht vorbeikommen.” – Clemens Scholten, Universität zu Köln, in: Vigiliae Christianae 76(3) June 2022

List of Figures and TablesX

Christoph Markschies and Einar Thomassen

Part 1: Historical Issues

1 The Relative Chronology of the Valentinian Systems
Einar Thomassen

2 „Grande Notice“: Einige einleitende Bemerkungen zur Überlieferung des sogenannten Systems der Schüler des Ptolemaeus Gnosticus
Christoph Markschies

3 Valentinianer und „Gnostiker“: Zu einer Bemerkung des Irenaeus von Lyon in Adversus haereses 1.11.1
Herbert Schmid

4 The Relationship between the Valentinian and Sethian Sophia Myth Revisited
Antti Marjanen

5 Fragments of an Early “Lost” Valentinianism: Irenaeus and the Gnostic Doctrinal Letter of Epiphanius, Panarion 31.5–6
Giuliano Chiapparini

6 Flavia’s Neighborhood: Further Evidence for a Second-Century Christian Group on the Via Latina
H. Gregory Snyder

7 Florinus – ein valentinianischer Gnostiker in Rom?
Niclas Förster

Part 2: Valentinian Doctrine

8 Once Again, the Valentinian Expression “Saved by Nature”
Jean-Daniel Dubois

9 The Ethics of Higher and Lower Levels of Salvation in the Excerpts from Theodotus and the Tripartite Tractate
Alexander Kocar

10 «Tu as vu le Père, tu deviendras père» (EvPhil NHC II 61,31–32). Comment devient-on père dans l’Évangile selon Philippe?
Louis Painchaud

11 1 Apocalypse of James and Valentinians on Martyrdom
Karen L. King

12 Der Demiurg und sein Wirken: Die Deutung des Valentinianismus im Vergleich zu der des Platonismus
Barbara Aland

13 Plotinus and the Gnostics: the Tripartite Tractate?
John D. Turner

14 Überlegungen zum Mythos im Johannesevangelium und bei den Valentinianern des Irenaeus
Ansgar Wucherpfennig

Part 3: Valentinian Exegesis

15 Valentinians and the Christian Canon
Pheme Perkins

16 Valentinian Influence on Irenaeus: Early Allegorization of the New Testament
David W. Jorgensen

17 Valentinians Reading John
Harold W. Attridge

18 Paul and Valentinian Morality
Ismo Dunderberg

19 Participation in the Cross of Christ: Pauline Motifs in the Excerpts from Theodotus
Judith L. Kovacs
All interested in Gnosticism, the history of early Christianity, and the history of religion and philosophy during the Roman Empire.
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