This publication makes the case for ‘religion and education’ as a distinct, but cross-disciplinary, field of inquiry. To begin with, consideration is given to the changing dynamic between ‘religion and education’ historically, and the differing understandings of religious education within it. Next, ‘religion and education’ is examined from methodologically specific perspectives, namely the philosophical, historical, sociological and psychological. The authors outline the particular insights to be gleaned about ‘religion and education’ on the basis of their commitment to these methodological standpoints. Overall, this publication is concerned with demonstrating the scope of the field, and the importance of having a range of disciplinary, and interdisciplinary, perspectives informing it.

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Stephen G. Parker, Ph.D. (2003), University of Birmingham, is Professor of the History of Religion and Education at the University of Worcester, UK. He has published widely in the field of religion and education in historical perspective, including works on the history of the Religious Education curriculum in England, the Church of England and education policy, and the history of religious education on radio and television.
Jenny Berglund, Ph.D. (2009), Uppsala University, is Professor of Religious Education at Stockholm University. Her particular area of interest concerns different forms of Islamic education in Europe. She has participated in and also led several comparative projects concerning different forms of religious education. She has published widely both in English and Swedish.
David Lewin, Ph.D. (2006), University of Kent, is Senior Lecturer in Philosophy of Education at the University of Strathclyde, UK. He has published monographs, edited books, and numerous articles on the intersections between the philosophy of religion and the philosophy of education.
Deirdre Raftery, Ph.D. (1995), Trinity College Dublin. She is Professor of the History of Education at University College Dublin, and an elected Fellow of the Royal Historical Society. A Fulbright Scholar (2015), she has published twelve books, and is an expert on convent schooling and the history of nuns and education.
Religion and Education: Framing and Mapping a Field
Stephen G. Parker, Jenny Berglund, David Lewin and Deirdre Raftery


Introduction: Religion and Education: an Overview
Stephen G. Parker
 1 Religion and Education: Beyond Curricula and Schooling, Multi-contextual, International and Interdisciplinary Perspectives

Religion and Education: Framing and Mapping the Field
Stephen G. Parker
 1 Religion and Education in the Public Sphere
 2 The History of Religion and Education as a Field of Inquiry
 3 Types of Religious Education
 4 Religious Education as Nurture into the Religious Way of Life
 5 Religious Education as Practical Theology
 6 Religious Education as Nation Building
 7 Religious Education as Religious Literacy
 8 Religious Education as Intercultural/Interreligious Education
 9 Religious Education as Preparation for the Academic Study of Religion
 10 Religious Education as an Idea

Themes and Approaches in Research on Religion in the History of Education: Missionaries, Monasteries, Methodologies
Deirdre Raftery
 1 Introduction
 2 God’s Empire: the Mission Imperative in the History of Education
 3 Monastic and Conventual Education: New Approaches in Historical Scholarship
 4 Conclusion

Religion and Education: Mapping the Field (a Philosophical Approach)
David Lewin
 1 Introduction
 2 What Does It Mean to Ask about the Relations of Religion and Education in a Philosophical Way?
 3 General Conceptual Issues
 4 What Is Religion?
 5 What Is Education?
 6 Religion and Education: the Question of Autonomy
 7 Conclusion

Sociological Perspectives on Religion and Education
Jenny Berglund
 1 Historical and Definitional Overview: Sociology Defined
 2 What Does It Mean to Adopt a Sociological Perspective?
 3 Sociology of Religion
 4 Sociology of Education
 5 The Study of Religious Education, Religious Diversity, and Teacher Education
 6 Quantitative vs Qualitative Research Methods
 7 The Quantitative Approach
 8 The Qualitative Approach
 9 Quantitative Studies
 10 Qualitative Studies
 11 National Comparisons and International Knowledge Transmission
 12 Conclusion

Conclusion: the Potential of Further Research in Religion and Education
Stephen G. Parker
 1 Historicizing, Contextualising and Conceptualising Religion and Education and Religious Education
 2 The Sensory, Spatial and Material Aspects of Religion and Education
 3 Mission and Empire
 4 Children’s Rights and Agency in Religion and Education
 5 Religious Education and Developments in Theology and Religious Studies
 6 Conclusion: Achieving Cross/Inter-disciplinary Perspectives
 List of English Language Journals in R & E and Their Websites
The Brill Research Perspectives on Religion and Education are intended for a wide and cross-disciplinary readership, with a view to fostering summaries of the latest research and pointers towards new perspectives in this important field of inquiry. This issue is suitable for undergraduates, postgraduates and researchers enabling them to discern what are the current issues, debates and questions in ‘religion and education’, resourcing further inquiry with a host of references and sources.
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