In the Author's Hand: Holograph and Authorial Manuscripts in the Islamic Handwritten Tradition


In recent years, a growing interest in “oriental manuscripts” in all their aspects, including the extrinsic ones, has been observed. Research that focuses on holograph, autograph and authorial manuscripts in Arabic handwritten script has nevertheless been casual, although these manuscripts raise important and varied questions. The study of the working methods of authors from the past informs different disciplines: paleography, codicology, textual criticism, ecdotics, linguistics and intellectual history. In this volume nine contributions and case studies are gathered that address theoretical issues and convey different, disruptive perspectives. A particularly important subject of this book, so far rarely discussed in scientific literature, is the identification of an author’s handwriting. Among the authors specifically dealt with in this volume one will find: al-Maqrīzī (m. 845/1442), al-Nuwayrī (m. 733/1333), Akmal al-Dīn b. Mufliḥ (m. 1011/1603), al-ʿAynī (m. 855/1451) and Ibn Khaldūn (m. 808/1406). Contributors: Frédéric Bauden, Julien Dufour, Élise Franssen, Adam Gacek, Retsu Hashizume, Marie-Hélène Marganne, Elias Muhanna, Nobutaka Nakamachi, Anne Regourd, and Kristina Richardson.

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Frédéric Bauden, Ph.D. (1996), Université de Liège, is Professor of Arabic Language and Islamic Studies at that university. He has published extensively on the history, historiography and diplomatics of the Mamluk period. He is the editor of the book series Bibliotheca Maqriziana. Élise Franssen, Ph.D. (2012), Università Ca’ Foscari, Venice, is a Marie Skłodowska Curie Fellow (2018-21). A specialist of codicology, she is currently working on the holograph volume of al-Ṣafadī’s Tadhkira and on her book on the manuscripts of the ZER recension of the Thousand and One Nights.
“This is an important volume and a giant step forward in the research on Arabic manuscripts.”

Jan Just Witkam, Leiden University Institute of Area Studies (lias), Leiden in: Journal of Islamic Manuscripts, Volume 12, Issue 2 (April 2022).
List of Authors' Handwritings Appearing on the Cover Image
List of Figures
List of Diagrams and Tables
List of Abbreviations
Notes on Contributors

1 Introduction

2 Comment reconnaître un autographe parmi les papyrus littéraires grecs? L’ exemple du P. Oxy. 74.4970
Marie-Hélène Marganne

3 Arabic Holographs: Characteristics and Terminology
Adam Gacek

4 “Bi-khaṭṭ muʾallifihi” … Vraiment?! L’ apport de l’ analyse judiciaire d’ écritures à l’ étude des manuscrits arabes
Élise Franssen

5 Maqriziana XV: The Characteristics of al-Maqrīzī’s Handwriting
Frédéric Bauden

6 The Art of Copying: Mamlūk Manuscript Culture in Theory and Practice
Elias Muhanna

7 The Holograph Notebooks of Akmal al-Dīn Muḥammad b. Mufliḥ (d. 1011/1603)
Kristina Richardson

8 Al-ʿAynī’s Working Method for His Chronicles: Analysis of His Autographical Manuscripts
Nobutaka Nakamachi

9 Textual Criticism on of the Manuscripts of Ibn Khaldūn’s Autobiographical Manuscripts
Retsu Hashizume

10 Les safīnas yéménites
Julien Dufour and Anne Regourd

List of Quoted Manuscripts
Index of Names
Index of Places
Index of Technical Terms
All interested in the history of the book, Islam, codicology, paleography, and manuscripts.
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