Every five years, on the occasion of the International Congress of Slavists, a volume appears that presents a comprehensive overview of current Slavic linguistic research in the Netherlands. Like its predecessors, the present collection covers a variety of topics: Bulgarian and Polish aspectology (Barentsen, Genis), Slavic historical linguistics (Kortlandt, Vermeer), pragmatics of tense usage in Old Russian (Dekker), dialect description (Houtzagers), L2 acquisition (Tribushinina & Mak), Russian foreigners’ speech imitation (Peeters & Arkema), corpus-based semantics (Fortuin & Davids) and theoretical work on negation (Keijsper, Van Helden). As can be seen from this list, the majority of the contributions in this peer-reviewed volume displays the data-oriented tradition of Dutch Slavic linguistics, but studies of a more theoretical nature are also represented.
Egbert Fortuin, Leiden University, is Associate Professor of Russian Linguistics. He has published several articles on Russian and general linguistics, with a focus on semantics and syntax, covering topics such as imperatives, modality, conditionals, verbal aspect and impersonal constructions.
Peter Houtzagers, was Associate Professor of Slavic Linguistics at the University of Groningen (retired 2019). Most of his publications concern the analysis and historical reconstruction of Čakavian and Kajkavian Croatian dialects.
Janneke Kalsbeek, was Assistant Professor of Slavic Linguistics at the University of Amsterdam (retired 2017), has published
The Čakavian Dialect of Orbanići near Žminj in Istria (AATSEEL book award 1999), and a number of articles, mainly concerning the analysis of Čakavian Croatian dialects and Croatian historical texts.
Наблюдения над функционированием вида в болгарских претеритальных формах при обстоятельствах ограниченной кратности (в сопоставлении с другими славянскими языками)Адриан Барентсен Употребление глагольных времён в древнерусских перформативных высказываниях: прагматический подходСимеон Деккер ‘Now’ in Russian: a Corpus-Based Approach to Teper’ and SejčasEgbert Fortuin and Ico Davids Temporal ‘since’ in Polish: Conjunctions & Tense-Aspect ConstellationsRené Genis On the Čakavian Dialect of Čunovo near BratislavaPeter Houtzagers A Note on Global Negation and Suspended AssertionCornelia E. Keijsper The Origins of the Slavic AoristFrederik Kortlandt Russian Foreigners’ Speech ImitationAlla Peeters-Podgaevskaja and Lana Arkema
Institutes, (academic) libraries, specialists, (post-graduate) students and researchers of many topics related to Slavic linguistics and linguistics in general