The 30th volume of
Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion consists of two special sections, as well as two separate empirical studies on attachment and daily spiritual practices. The first special section deals with the social scientific study of religion in Indonesia. Indonesia is a predominantly Muslim country whose history and contemporary involvement in the study of religion is explored from both sociological and psychological perspectives. The second special section is on the Pope Francis effect: the challenges of modernization in the Catholic church and the global impact of Pope Francis. While its focus is mainly on the Catholic religion, the internal dynamics and geopolitics explored apply more broadly.
Ralph W. Hood, Jr., Ph.D. (1968), University of Nevada, Reno, is Professor of Psychology at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga as well as Leroy A. Martin Distinguished Professor of Religious Sudies and UT Alumni Distinguished Professor. A former president of Division 36 of the APA, he is author of numerous books in the psychology of religion.
Sariya Cheruvallil-Contractor, Ph.D. (2010), University of Gloucestershire, is Assistant Professor at the Centre for Trust, Peace and Social Relations, Coventry University where she also leads the Faith and Peaceful Relations group. She is a Feminist Sociologist of Religion. Her research focuses on the lived experiences of religion or belief in modern Britain, with particular emphasis on Islam.
Preface Manuscript Invitation List of Illustrations, Tables and Graphs Notes on Contributors
Unsolicited Articles
Religious Coping with General Life Stressors in Persons with Same-Sex Attractions Russell E. Phillips III, Sierrah Avant, Jessica Milewski, Nicholas Drop, Rachel Herndon, Alex Maccarelli, Michael Lucci
Love in the Midst of Stressors: Exploring the Role of Daily Spiritual Experiences Gina M. Brelsford, Lynn G. Underwood, & Bradley R. E. Wright
Special Section 1: The Social Scientific Study of Religion in Indonesia
Introduction to Social Scientific Study of Religion in Indonesia Johana E. Prawitasari, Evans Garey, and Ralph W. Hood Jr.
Religions in Indonesia: a Historical Sketch Denni Boy Saragih
The Sociological Context of Religion in Indonesia Sindung Haryanto
Religious Self: The Multi-Construal Model of Indonesian Self Retno Hanggarani Ninin
An Inverted Quest: Cosmopolitanism and Religion in Baladeva Comics Leonard Chrysostomos Epafras
Exploration of Christian Faith Religiosity in Indonesia Olivia Hadiwirawan, Denny Putra, & Evans Garey
The Trends in Islamic Psychology in Indonesia H. Fuad Nashori, Raden Rachmy Diana, and Bahril Hidayat
Srikandi Lintas Iman: Religiosity in Diversity Nina Mariani Noor
At the Intersection of Science and Faith: Epistemic Cognition about “Religiously-Loaded” Scientific Issues Anindito Aditomo
Rasch Model of Religious Hope: Scale Development with an Indonesian Sample Evans Garey, Ngadiman Djaja & Ralph W. Hood Jr.
Religious Orientation and Hope Expressed among University Students Petrayuna Dian Omega and Ngadiman Djaja
Spirituality and Posttraumatic Growth among Disaster Survivors in Indonesia Zarina Akbar
Special Section 2: The Pope Francis Effect
Pope Francis Effect between Internal Reforms of the Catholic Church and Geopolitical Choices: An Introduction Giuseppe Giordan
Modernizing the Roman Form of Catholicism Enzo Pace
The Primacy of Reality: The People First of All Monica Simeoni and Francesco Vespasiano
Pope Francis and Argentinean Politics Verónica Roldán
A Catholic Dilemma: Church and Pope Resisting to and Compromising with Political and Cognitive Revolution Roberto Motta
Negating the Francis Effect?: The Effect of the Abuse Crisis in Ireland Gladys Ganiel
A Global Papacy: The International Travels of Pope Francis and Geopolitics Andrew P. Lynch
Pope Francis and Latin American Evangelicals Ari Pedro Oro and Erico Tavares de Carvalho Junior
The Failed Visit of Francis to Chile and the Catholic Church Crisis Cristian Parker and José Pérez Valdivia
The Non-Effect of Pope Francis behind the Scenes of “Mexico always Faithful” Renée de la Torre
All interested in the scientific study of religion in the east, especially those who are concerned with Indonesian studies.