The Institutionalization of Science in Early Modern Europe


This volume aims to furnish a broader framework for analyzing the scientific and institutional context that gave rise to scientific academies in Europe—including the Accademia del Cimento in Florence; the Royal Society in London; the Académie Royale des Sciences in Paris; and the Academia naturae curiosorum in Schweinfurt. The essays detail the multiple backgrounds that prompted seventeenth-century savants—from Italy to England, and from Poland to Portugal—to establish new forms of scientific organizations, in which to institutionalize collaborative research as well as modes of communication with like-minded individuals and associations.

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Mordechai Feingold is the Van Nuys Page Professor of History at Caltech. He is the editor of the journals Erudition and the republic of Letters (Brill) and History of Universities (Oxford). He is the author of a number of books, including The Mathematicians’ Apprenticeship: Science, Universities and Society in England, 1560-1640 (1984); The Newtonian Moment: Isaac Newton and the Making of Modern Culture (2004); and Newton and the Origin of Civilization (2013), written with Jed Buchwald.
Giulia Giannini, Ph.D. (2008), is Associate Professor of History of Science and Technology at the University of Milan. She is the author of Verso Oriente. Gianantonio Tadini e la prima prova fisica della rotazione terrestre (Olschki, 2012).
Giulia Giannini

I Research in Institutional Setting
1 Between Teaching and Research: The Place of Science in Early Modern English Universities
Mordechai Feingold
2 The Academisation of Parisian Science (1660-1789): Review Essay on a Spatial Turn
Stéphane Van Damme
3 Asymmetries of Symbolic Capital in Seventeenth-Century Scientific Transactions: Placentinus’s Cometary Correspondence with Hevelius and Lubieniecki
Pietro D. Omodeo

II Founding and Shaping Scientific Institutions
4 An indirect convergence between the Accademia del Cimento and the Montmor Academy: the “Saturn dispute”
Giulia Giannini
5 The Edifying Science. Academies, Courtly Culture and the Patronage of Science in early modern Portugal (1647-1720)
Luis Miguel Carolino
6 The Paris Observatory in the Early modern Ecosystem of Knowledge (1669-1712)
Dalia Deias
7 The Early History of the Paris and London Academies: Two Paths towards the Institutionalization of Science
Aurellien Ruellet, François Mallet

III Making and Reporting Experiments: Scientific Styles and Publishing Policies
8 Professionalizing Doubt: Johann Daniel Major’s Observation ‘On the Horn of the Bezoardic Goat,’ the Curiosity Market, and the Institutionalization of Natural History
Vera Keller
9 Experiments on collections at the Royal Society of London and the Paris Academy of Sciences, 1660-1740
Michael Bycroft
10 “I am very much troubled that there is so great an expectation raised of that pamphlet”: Publishing strategy and the early Royal Society
Noah Moxham

Summarizing Commentaries—Institutions and Knowledge Systems: Theoretical Perspectives
Jürgen Renn, Florian Schmaltz
All interested in Early Modern science, scientific institutions, institutions of higher learning, and early modern networks of communication.
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