Lu Jia's New Discourses:
A Political Manifesto from the Early Han Dynasty is a readable yet accurate translation by Paul R. Goldin and Elisa Levi Sabattini.
Celebrated as “a man-of-service with a mouth [skilled] at persuasion”, Lu Jia (c. 228-140 BCE) became one of the leading figures of the early Han dynasty, serving as a statesman and diplomat from the very beginning of the Han empire. This book is a translation of Lu Jia’s
New Discourses, which laid out the reasons for rise and fall of empires. Challenged by the new Emperor to produce a book explaining why a realm that was conquered on horseback cannot also be ruled on horseback, Lu Jia produced
New Discourses, to great acclaim.
Paul R. Goldin, (Ph.D., Harvard University, 1996), is Professor of East Asian Languages and Civilizations at the University of Pennsylvania. He is the author of numerous books and articles, including
The Art of Chinese Philosophy (2020),
Confucianism (2011),
After Confucius (2005),
The Culture of Sex in Ancient China (2001), and
Rituals of the Way: The Philosophy of Xunzi (1999).
Elisa Levi Sabattini (Ph.D. Ca’ Foscari University at Venice and INALCO at Paris 2006), was Associate Professor of Chinese Philology at L’Orientale University of Naples. She is currently Senior Research Associate at Ruhr Universität Bochum. Her research focuses on intellectual history, Chinese thought and aesthetic practice of Early China. She is author of several articles and book chapters, both in English and Italian, published for international peer-reviewed journals. She is co-editor together with Paul R. Goldin of
Lu Jia's New Discourses:
A Political Manifesto from the Early Han Dynasty (Brill, 2020).
Specialists in early China, undergrdauate and graduate students, historians, general readers.