A fortieth anniversary is an occasion to be marked under any circumstances, especially when it concerns a discovery as significant as that of the Dead Sea Scrolls. The proper way to mark this occasion was to organize a symposium that would be as comprehensive as possible, both in content and in variety of approaches, and which would be held in the land of the Scrolls. The papers here reflect not only the variety and richness of subjects treated by contemporary research on Qumran, but also its international character.
Since the study of texts remains the first task of the Qumran scholar many of the collection's papers belong to its first section —
Texts and Text Studies. The other six sections are:
The History of the Qumran Community, Halakha at Qumran, Qumran and the Hebrew Bible, Qumran and the New Testament and
The Hebrew of the Dead Sea Scrolls.
I. Texts and Text Studies
Esther G. Chazon, 'Is
divrei ha-me'orot a Sectarian Prayer?'
Florentino García Martínez, 'Texts from Qumran Cave 11.'
Menahem Kister, 'Biblical Phrases and Imitated Biblical Interpretations and
Carol A. Newsom, '4Q374: A Discourse on the Exodus/Conquest Tradition.'
Bilha Nitzan, 'Hymns from Qumran — 4Q510-4Q511.'
Émile Puech, 'Les deux derniers Psaumes Davidiques du rituel d'exorcisme — 11PSAp
e IV
Eileen M. Schuller, 4Q380 and 4Q381: Non-Canonical Psalms from Qumran
II. The History of the Qumran Community
Magen Broshi, 'The Archeology of Qumran — A Reconsideration.'
Philip R. Davies, 'The Prehistory of the Qumran Community.'
André Paul, Flavius Josèphe et les Esséniens.'
Madeleine Petit, 'The Institutions of Israel in the
Temple Scroll.'
Hartmut Stegemann, 'The Sons of Zadox 1 and the Sons of Zadok 2.'
III. Halakha at Qumran
Joseph M. Baumgarten, 'The Purification Rituals in DJD VII.'
Lawrence H. Schiffman, 'Laws Pertaining to Women in the
Temple Scroll.'
Daniel R. Schwartz, 'Law and Truth: On Qumran-Sadducean and Rabbinic Views of Law.'
Moshe Weinfeld, 'Prayer and Liturgical Practice in the Qumran Sect.'
IV. Qumran and the Hebrew Bible
George J. Brooke, 'The Textual Tradition of the
Temple Scroll and Recently Published Manuscripts of the Pentateuch.'
Yeshayahu Maori, 'The Text of the Hebrew Bible in Rabbinic Writings in the Light of the Qumran Evidence.'
Dwight Swanson, 'The Use of the Chronicles in 11QT: Aspects of a Relationship.'
Emanuel Tov, 'The Textual Base of the Correction in the Biblical Texts Found at Qumran.'
Julio Trebolle, 'Light from 4QJudg
a and 4QKgs on the Text of Judges and Kings.'
V. Qumran and the New Testament
Heinz Wolgang Kuhn, 'The Impact of the Qumran Scrolls on the Understanding of Paul.'
Hermann Lichtenberger, 'The Dead Sea Scrolls and John the Baptist: Reflections on Josephus' Account of John the Baptist.'
VI. The Hebrew of the Dead Sea Scrolls
Elisha Qimron, 'The Contribution of the Dead Sea Documents to the History of Early Hebrew (1000 B.C.E.-200 C.E.)
OT scholars, students and scholars of the Ancient Near East.